R10 Award Report – 2004 Y. W. Liu R10 Award Committee Chairman
Award Strategy Establish greater publicity and prestige Promote R10 and HQ Award nominations Improve industry communication links and closer tie with sponsors Enhance visibility of Award with sister societies Joint Award with national society
R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award Call for nomination in September, deadline on 30 November There are total eight nominations received last year The Award Committee is considering the nominations from: -
2004 Outstanding Volunteer Award Nomination Bombay Section Delhi Section (2) Hyderabad Section Malaysia Section New South Wales Section Queensland Section Seoul Section
R10 Outstanding Section Award In line with RAB, the R10 Outstanding Section Award split into the Large and Small Outstanding Section Awards, endorsed in 2004 Adelaide R10 Committee Meeting Large Section is defined as with total members 501 or higher. There are 20 Small Sections and 25 Large Section in 2004
R10 Large and Small Outstanding Section Award No nomination is required, evaluation base on Section Reports submitted New South Wales Section is the winner of the 2003 R10 Large Outstanding Section Award South Australia Section is the winner of the 2004 R10 Small Outstanding Section The Award Instrument is a Certificate and $1,000 cash bonus, to be presented in the coming Singapore R10 Committee Meeting
RAB Large and Small Best Section Award The two R10 Wining Sections is nominated to the RAB Large and Small Best Section Award The South Australia Section wins the 2003 RAB Small Best Section Award, the Award Plaque will be presented in the coming Singapore R10 Committee Meeting The RAB Large Best Section Award goes to R1 Long Island Section
2004 Award Expenses 2004 Award Expenses support travelling expense of Norman Bin Mariun, Malaysia Section, 2003 Outstanding Volunteer Award recipient to receive the Award in Adelaide Meeting The office expense is $187
2004 Award Budget Same as usual, $5,000 is budget for the Award to support: - 1. One R10 Outstanding Volunteer Awardee to attend the R10 Committee Meeting 2. Other Awardee travelling expenses as approval by Director 3. $2,000 to the Large and Small Outstanding Section Award 4. Office expense
HQ Contact IEEE Regional Activities Attn.: RAB Awards, 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway NJ ISA ab/Awards/RABAWARDS.html Tel , Fax:
Suggestion and Comments are Welcome Thank You!