Hello, everyone. Today I’m going to talk to you about Moonta...
... A town with a long Cornish history.
Moonta is in Australia...
...In the state of South Australia....
...On the Yorke Peninsula...
...About 160km north-west of Adelaide.
Moonta is in the Goyder Council area...
... Which is named that because of the Goyder Line.
To the north of the Goyder Line, it doesn’t rain...
And to the south of the Line, it does rain.
Before European colonisation, an Aboriginal tribe called the Narungga lived near Moonta.
In fact, the name ‘Moonta’ comes from the Narungga word for ‘impenetrable scrubland’.
When the Europeans colonised the area...
... A worker from the farm of Walter Watson Hughes...
... Discovered copper there in 1861.
Soon, there was a small town near the farm.
In this picture, you can see Moonta in 1864.
Moonta is part of the ‘Cooper Coast’.
Lots of copper was mined there.
Today, the Copper Coast grows lots of barley and wheat.
During the ‘Copper Rush’, lots of Cornish miners emigrated to the Copper Coast.
Today, the citizens of Moonta are very proud of their Cornish history.
In fact, three towns on the Copper Coast, Moonta, Kadina, and Wallaroo...
... Are the site of the biggest Cornish festival in the world.
In Moonta, one can visit lots of historical sites, such as...
The Moonta School of Mines
The old Sweet Shop.
The old copper mines.
Which has a little train.
Tourists board the train, which has a tourist guide on it...
... And travel around the old mines.
The Moonta School Museum is right next to the old mines train station.
It’s a very old and very big building.
In Moonta, one can eat lots of Cornish food...
... Such as the Cornish Pasty.
The people of Moonta wish you an agreeable stay in their town.
They know that if you visit Moonta,
...You will enjoy yourself and learn lots.
Does anyone have any questions?