Date of birth: Howard Walter Florey 24 September Birthplace: Adelaide, South Australia. Interest: In 1901, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to him for his for outstanding achievements in physics and chemistry and for work in peace. In 1968, economic sciences added to the list of fields.
In this section describe what your scientist is famous and the steps s/he took to create this theories and/or inventions He invented or discovered the penicillin medication!!
In this section include any other facts that you found interesting about your scientist. Florey was born on September 24th 1898, in Adelaide, Australia. He died on February 21st, 1968, at Oxford in England. He trained as a pathologist who, with Ernst Chain isolated and purified penicillin (discovered in 1928 by (Sir Alexander Fleming) for general clinical use. Howard Florey was the youngest of five children to Joseph and Bertha Mary Florey in Adelaide, South Australia in He was educated at Kyre College Preparatory School and then St Peter's College, Adelaide, where he was a brilliant academic and junior sportsman. He studied medicine at the University of Adelaide from 1917 to 1921 Check the site out below!
Web address: Title of page:Maker of the miracle mould. Who put the information there? Doctor Simon Torok How reliable do you think the source of information is? Very Reliable (Reliable)Unreliable Reason for reliability rating:7.5 The information is a bit helpful and useful. How current is the information?CurrentRecent (Out- dated) Is the site regularly updated?WeeklyMonthlyYearly(Never) What is the purpose of the site?Personal(Public)Political Is there any evidence of bias in the information?(Yes)No Outline any bias you find: Confidence in accuracy and reliability: Very Confident (Confiden t) Not Confident
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