Moderate Arabs Views on the Middle East Peace Conference PowerPoint by Ray, Matt, Josh, Farad, and Laura
Borders and Settlement During the Camp David Accords, Egypt wanted the Sinai Peninsula back… –Israel had to evacuate the 4500 inhabitants and withdraw its forces –Israel had to return Abu-Rudeis oil fields –Suez Canal became a free passage Israel won the West Bank during the Six Day War and Jordan wanted it back, because most of the people that live there are Arabs
Egypt Security Israel is constructing a security barrier along the border with Egypt to stop the flow of illegal migrants. The Egyptian security service had not been informed of the plan but say they do not oppose the plan if is built entirely on Israeli soil.
Refugees Jordan - Population: 6,316,000 - # of Refugees: 1,827,877 - Refugees make up almost 1/3 of Jordan’s total population. - "Our goal is to prevent Israel from emptying the Palestinian territories of their original inhabitants," - Jordan's Interior Minister Nayef al-Kadi - Large financial burden on Jordanian government (having to pay for food, housing, etc.) Egypt - Population: 77,420,000 - # of Refugees: 70,245 - Refugees make up less than a percent of Egypt’s population. - Palestinians want to return to homelands, much less of a burden in Egypt
Jerusalem 1948 Arab Israeli War ended in 1979 with the Egyptian Israeli Peace Treaty –Year after that Camp David Accords was made –Egypt was ostracized by other Arab states and ejected from the Arab league from because of Egyptian Israeli Peace Treaty Israeli Palestinian Conflict a normal relationship between two countries is far from visible because they are still fighting –As Egyptians we would like the Israeli Palestinian conflict to stop because it is hindering our relationship with Jerusalem and making it difficult to have a long lasting peace even when we have Camp David Accord and Egyptian Israeli Peace Treaty