Some terms to clarify Arab: one who speaks the Arabic language Muslim: a practitioner of Islam Most Arabs are Muslim; many Arabs are Christian Jew: one who identifies with Jewish culture and tradition Israel: the current nation-state, founded in 1948 Israeli: a citizen of Israel Palestine: the area now occupied by the state of Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip Palestinian: generally Arabs who desire a nation of Palestine Palestinians do not have formally recognized nation today
Jewish homeland, 2000 BC-135 AD Various occupations (Romans, Ottomans, etc) Arab controlled, 600s-1918 Zionism Thedore Herzl The movement toward establishing a Jewish state Post-WWI British Mandate of Palestine Balfour Declaration, 1917 Pledged British support for a Jewish homeland
UN Partition, 1947 Palestinian state and Israeli state Palestinians reject partition
David Ben Gurion War Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, and Jordan vs. Israel Israel gains land Jordan and Egypt take land NO PALESTINIAN STATE
Gamal Abdel Nasser Leader of Egypt Leader of the Arab anti- Israel movement Seized control of the Suez Canal British, French, and Israel intervene
Israel vs. Egypt, Syria, and Jordan Golda Meir Israel gains Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and Jerusalem
Palestinian Liberation Organization Goal: establish a Palestinian state, drive out the Israelis Yasser Arafat
Egypt and Syria attack Israel Anwar Sadat, leader of Egypt Oil Embargo The Problem of Settlements and Occupied Territories
First Arab recognition of Israel Sadat, Menachem Begin, and Jimmy Carter
1982: Israel invades Lebanon PLO attacking Israel from Lebanon 1987: The First Intifada Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza strip rise up Terrorism and Suicide bombings
The Oslo Accords (1993) Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat Israel and Jordan sign peace treaty (1994)
Rabin assassinated, 1995 The Second Intifada, 2000 Israel withdraws from Gaza, Hamas vs. Fatah West Bank: Fatah Gaza Strip: Hamas
Settlements Fatah vs. Hamas The question of Jerusalem The “Two State Solution”