Supporting children, young people and families with a close relative in prison
Supporting Kingston children, young people and families with a close relative in prison. Supporting Kingston professionals and agencies working with prisoner’s families. Raising awareness of the needs of prisoner’s families
Development of the project 2008 Kingston Local Safeguarding Children’s Board recognition of children of prisoners as a distinct and vulnerable group in the borough 2008 Kingston Authority Children’s Services commissioned local parenting charity ‘Kingston WelCare’ to pilot a families of prisoners support project. Families Apart Project developed. (Every Night You Cry Barnardo’s 2009) 2009 Kingston WelCare commissioned to further develop the Families Apart Project Service level agreement jointly initiated
Development of the project 2009 Steering group formed by Kingston Children’s Service manager (Early Help/prevention) Cross sector representatives Families Apart Protocol Launched in partnership with Kingston children’s services offering professional information/guidance highlighting the aims of the local authority and Families Apart in supporting children of prisoners Aim from protocol further developed Named lead staff member in Kingston schools.
Financial problems (H) Coping Alone (F) Preparing for release (E) Getting a break (K) Telling the children (A) Visiting Prison, staying in touch (D) Worried about the children (school, friends etc) (M) Supporting Families of Prisoners Support Wheel Name: General things I am not happy about Problems that I need to sort out Crises I need help with 4 4 Things I feel good about Nothing that needs to be sorted out 5 5 Name of support worker Drugs and effect on family (J) Finding out about the prison (B) Worried about a prisoner (C) Childcare (L) Hostility from the community (I) 1 1 Strengths Housing (G) Plan agreed ……………………….…. Plan reviewed …………………….….
Telling the children Worried about the children Coping alone Visiting/staying in touch Preparing for release
Delivering support Professional involvement : Consultation/ advice/resources/ continual support No professional involvement: Direct contact and support/resources/CAF Identifying key issues using family support wheel Family support plan agreed Review and Evaluation
Barriers and issues Prisoner’s families hidden group Changing structures and people Time constraints Engaging Professionals Funding
What has worked well Commitment to multi agency working Community based Professional Consultations E bulletins Hidden Sentence training/Briefings Provision of free resources
Thinking ahead Work with local prisons Support groups Develop best practice in working with particular families * Deportation * sexual offenders More robust evaluation linked to outcomes