“Nordplus Programme as part of Nordic-Baltic Cooperation” Nordplus Information Seminar Vinius, 24 th November 2015 Kenneth Lundin, CIMO
Nordplus Mobility, cooperation and networks in the Nordic and Baltic countries in Nordplus is the Nordic Council of Ministers' most important programme in the area of lifelong learning. Nordplus consists of five programmes directed towards different target groups, from primary education to higher education. The programmes supports mobility-, project- and network activities and are aimed at institutions and organisations in the participating countries that focus mainly on education and lifelong learning.
The participating countries in Nordplus are the five Nordic countries including the Nordic autonomous regions, as well as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Nordplus Four sectoral programmes Nordplus Junior Nordplus Adult Nordplus Higher Education Nordplus Nordic Language One cross-sectoral programme Nordplus Horizontal Nordplus
To strengthen and develop Nordic co-operation on education and help to create a Nordic-Baltic educational area To support, build on, reap the benefits of and promote innovative products and processes in education through the systematic exchange of experiences and good practice To contribute to the development of quality and innovation in the educational systems for lifelong learning in the participating countries through co-operationin education and trainingas well as co-operation with the labour market on development projects, exchange praogrammes and networking To promote Nordic languages and culture and mutual Nordic-Baltic linguistic and cultural understanding To improve understanding of Nordic languages (primarily Danish, Swedish and Norwegian), especially among children and young people To stimulate interest in and knowledge and understanding of the Nordic languages Nordplus General Objectives
Mobility activities Network activities Project activities Annual buget in total, app. 9 M€ Nordplus
NCM was established in 1971 and is the world’s oldest official inter-governmental cooperation. It covers all policy areas except foreign policy and defence. Nordic Council (NC) is the official inter- parliamentary cooperation and was established already in It consists of 87 elected members from the Nordic parliaments. NCM and NC have a secretariat in Copenhagen The presidency of NCM rotates between the five Nordic countries (2015: DK, 2016: FI) The Council of Ministers for Education and Research (MR-U)/The Committee of Senior Officials for Education and Research (EK-U) has the responsibility for Nordplus. norden.org The Owner of Nordplus: Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM)
NCM started to cooperate with the Baltic countries in the early 1990s NCM-offices were established in Baltic capitals (Vilnius in 1991, norden.lt) Today the cooperation is based on mutual partnership with officially adopted guidelines and structured communication (NB8) in several policy areas Focus on education and research but also culture, public administration, NGO, innovation and youth. The Nordic offices in the Baltic countries offers several programmes for funding. The Baltic countries joined Nordplus in 2008 The establishment and development of Nordplus is made through consultation with Baltic officials NCM and the Baltic Countries
The Nordplus Programme Committee (PC) consits of officials from all Programme Countries and decides upon the grants, is responsible for the realisation of programme objectives as well as plays a central role in the strategic development of the programme The Nordplus Administration consits of national offices in the Nordic and Baltic countries (info-offices in the autonomous areas). The administration is responsible for the implementation of calls, assessment of applications, proposals for funding, information and guidance for applicants and users, as well as reporting. The administration functions also as a secretariat for the PC. nordplusonline.org The Implementation of Nordplus
The Nordplus Programme Committee (PC) consits of officials from all Programme Countries and decides upon the grants, is responsible for the realisation of programme objectives as well as plays a central role in the strategic development of the programme The Nordplus Administration consits of national offices in every programme country. The administration is responsible for the implementation of calls, assessment of applications, proposals for funding, information and guidance for applicants and users, as well as reporting. The administration functions also as a secretariat for the PC. The implementation of Nordplus
Before the countries joined Nordplus, NCM had a separate programme targeted at these countries, Nordplus Neighbour From the beginning, the Baltic countries participated in Nordplus on equal footing National offices were established in all countries and they participate in many roles within the administration, e.g. information and guidance, assessment of applications, development of the programmes together with Nordic colleagues Baltic institutions became very active in many Nordplus programmes. The Baltic Countries in Nordplus
Based on an evaluation of Nordplus (published on norden.org and soon on nordplusonline.org The programme committee has discussed it and decided upon recommendations to EK-U who will make a decision in February 2016 on the frames and content of the new programme period Consultation with the baltic officials The final (formal) decision by the NC in December 2016 The evaluation and the programme committee recommeds that no major changes is to be made for the new programme period. Also the new Nordplus shall be non-bureaucratic, user friendly and built on trust The New Programme Period
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Nordic and Baltic educational cooperation starts with Nordplus!