GOVERNMENT, E GOVERNMENT AND TRANSPARANCY Andrea Foncerrada, Nicholas Weaver, Jessa Paush, Rajesh Ravikumar
Agenda E-Government Open Data Cases
E-Government: Definition World Bank: eGovernment is the government owned of operated systems of information and communication thecnologies that transform relations with citizens, the private sector and/or other government agencies so as to promote citizens’ empowerment, improve service delivery, strengthen accountability, increase transparency, or improve government efficiency. Abramson and Means, 2001 Fraga, 2001 Tapscott, 1996 UNPA & ASPA, 2001
E-Government: Benefits
E-Government: Transformation Areas Internal External Relational
E-Government: Web of Interrelationships Explanation Nick, can you please fix the little e- Government circle so that the titlte is in a single row? It is getting on my nerves…and can’t fix it! E- Government CitizensBusinessGovernmentEmployees
E-Government: Initiatives in Developing Countries Reasons for Failure: 1.ICT Infrastructre 2.Policy Issues 3.Human Capital Development and Life Long Learning 4.Change Management 5.Partnership and Collaboration 6.Strategy 7.Leadership Role Reasons for Failure: 1.ICT Infrastructre 2.Policy Issues 3.Human Capital Development and Life Long Learning 4.Change Management 5.Partnership and Collaboration 6.Strategy 7.Leadership Role
Open Data What is it? Any information the government collects, by and large for its own purposes that it then makes available for other people to use for their purposes.
Open Data Leadership Policy/Legal Framework Applications & Co-Creation Institutions Technology/ Infrastructure Innovation Financing Citizen Engagement Capacity Building
Open Data: Why is it important and why do we want it? It empowers citizens. It generates economic value. It strengthens transperancy.
Open Data Where is it happening?
Open Data How do you achieve it?
Cases International Aid Transparency Initiative. Rajesh’s Denmark
International Aid Transparency Initiative
Denmark Steps Products Awards Initiatives