WVHS Seniors College and Career Readiness Presentation
What are we going to Cover? Who is your Counselor Reading Transcripts Graduation Requirements A-G Requirements College and Career Fair 10/27/2015 College Applications Scholarships FAFSA ASVAB Interest inventories Anything else
Mrs. Espinoza(A-Ga) Mrs. Covarrubias(Ge-N) Mr. Zimmerman(O-Z) Counselor Breakdown
Your Transcript
Graduation Requirements English 4 years (40 credits) Math 3 years (30 credits) Science2 years (20 credits) World History1 year (10 credits) U.S. Government/Economics1 year (10 credits) U.S. History1 year (10 credits Physical Education 2 years (20 credits) General Electives(70 credits) Fine Arts/ Foreign Language/CTE1 year (10 credits) 220 Total Credits* *Students must have a 2.0 cumulative grade 9-12.
Freshman60 credits Sophomore60 credits Junior60 credits Senior60 credits = credits On Track Credit Status
College Entrance Requirements“A-G” CSU/UC Entrance Requirements A – History2 years B – English4 years C – Math3 years D – Lab Science2 years E – Foreign Language 2 years F – Visual/Performing Arts 1 year G – College Prep Elective 1 year Must pass with “C” or better in these classes Must take the SAT or ACT (college entrance exams) CSU UC www. Universityofcalifornia.edu
A-G TRACK A-G TRACK A – History2 years (World and US History) B – English4 years C – Math (Alg. 1, 2 and Geom.) 3 years D – Lab Sciences 2 years E –Foreign Language 2 years F – Vis/Perf Arts 1 year (Fine Arts/Elective) G – College Prep Elective 1 year DIPLOMA TRACK DIPLOMA TRACK History/Social Studies 3 years (World and U.S., History/Gov’t/Econ.) English 4 years Math (Alg. 1, Geom, Math) 3 years Non Lab Sciences 2 years Foreign Language OR (CTE, Vis/Perf.)Fine Arts 1 year PE 2 years Any Elective 70 Credits
SAT / ACT Information SAT Date: Dec. 5 Register by Nov. 5th Go to to sign up. ACT Date: Dec. 12 Register by Nov 6th Go to
College Applications UC APPLICATIONS: October 1-31 Available to be worked on Specifically the personal statement November 1-30 Available for submission CSU APPLICATIONS : October 1 – November 30 Available for submission Private Universities and Out of State schools go to their web site to get application deadlines.
CSU/UC Application workshops November 10 th, November12th November 17 th, November 19 th Students who meet or are working towards meeting A-G criteria will be called into computer lab to work on application on one of those dates.
MSJC Counselor Richard Garcia Stop in counseling and find the sign up sheet if you are interested in meeting with MSJC counselor Mr. Garcia Mr. Garcia will also have a table out during lunches on Tuesdays
College and Career Fair 2015.
FAFSA: Free Application For Student Aide > students receive money based on financial need. > Application is due March 2, 2015 and student can apply online in January. > There will workshops at WVHS to help them and their parents how to fill out the application. FAFSA orientation date: WEDNESDAY, December 2 nd. FAFSA workshop: Tuesday, January 19 th and Wednesday, January 20 th.
Scholarships & Grants Cal Grant (GPA Verification form): students receive money based on their academic GPA/Grades. Counselor submits information electronically. Scholarship And other Financial Aid Information Alert Form: It is a list of scholarships that are available to student from different businesses/organizations in the nation. These forms are available in the counseling office and English classroom. These forms will come out on a monthly basis. Scholarship Profile Packet: it is a profile packet were student write down personal information such as family background, educational goals, career goals, school/community involvement, and personal experiences. Business and organization from our community come to our school in the spring to review profiles to give money to our seniors.
Scholarship web site Scholarships.com Fastweb.com College Board Google any major organization Ex: Coca cola, Home Depot, K-Mart, McDonalds
ASVAB : Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test Date: Nov 18 th and Feb. 10 th Sign ups in the counseling office start 3 weeks before test One of the most accurate Interest Inventories available Been around since 1968 Matches your interests with your skill sets. (math, verbal, Science and technical skills) Provides information on jobs suited to you.
Other Interest Inventories educationplanner.org careercafe.com
Anything Else? What Information Do YOU want to know? Then click on the counseling tab NCAA Eligibility Center for student athletes, please see your counselor for more information.
How to Read My Transcript Student A Is this student on track to graduate? Why or why not?
How to Read My Transcript Student B Is this student on track to graduate? Why or why not? Is this student on track to complete A-G requirements for science?
How to Read My Transcript Student C Is this student on track to complete A-G requirements for foreign language? Why or why not?