A global, public network of computer networks. The largest computer network in the world. Computer Network A collection of computing devices connected to share resources such as: Files Software Processors Storage and printers
Pre-Web Internet development milestones 1958 President Eisenhower formed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in response to the USSR launching of Sputnik 1969 ARPA commissioned ARPANET for research into networking. (ARPANET – Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)
Pre-Web Internet development milestones Their initial goal: Establish closer communications for research by connecting the computer networks of four research institutions: University of Calif. At Los Angeles Stanford University of Calif. At Santa Barbara University of Utah Once this goal was accomplished, they grew exponentially. The first real communication occurred in late 1969 between the computer at Stanford and the computer at UCLA. The two men responsible for this communication were Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn – they are considered the “fathers” of the Internet
Pre-Web Internet development milestones 1970 The first cross-country link was installed by AT&T to connect networks across the country ARPANET went international as it expanded overseas to University College in London, England, and the Royal Radar Establishment in Norway ARPANET was divided into two sub-networks: MILNET, for military needs, and ARPANET, for research.
Pre-Web Internet development milestones 1990 The ARPANET project was officially concluded, and “the Internet” was turned over to the public, to be managed by the Internet Society (ISOC) 1991 The Commercial Internet Exchange (CIX) Association was established to allow businesses to connect to the Internet The first Web browser, Mosaic, was released to Internet users to an unprecedented enthusiastic reception.
Users connect to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) Internet Service Providers are companies that connect individuals to the Internet Examples: Earthlink Verizon Time Warner
The internet is a network of network…… the central component of the Internet is the “Internet backbone”. Internet Backbone: The main pathway of high speed communications lines through which all Internet traffic flows. Companies that control access to the main lines of the Internet and supply Internet access to ISP’s are called “Backbone Providers” Sprint and A T & T are examples of Backbone Providers
Accessing the Internet Dial-up Low speed internet service that utilizes the customer’s phone line for data transfer. Rates may go as high as 56 Kb per second Cable Modem High speed internet service provided by cable television service providers. DSL High speed internet service provided through the phone line. Digital Satellite High speed internet service provided through satellite connection.
Succeeding with Technology
Web Browser: A Web Browser is software installed on your computer system that allows you to locate, view and navigate the Web. Examples: Internet Explorer Firefox
The Web is a series of connected paths, or links, that connect you to different websites. You gain access to a Web site by typing its unique address or (URL) Uniform Resource Locator The first part of the URL indicates the set of rules (protocol) used to retrieve the specified document. For most, URLs begin with http (hypertext transfer protocol) The protocol allows files to be transferred from a Web server so that you can see them on your computer by using a browser.
What is a Domain Name Domain names consist of two parts: 1.The first part identifies who the site’s host is. Ex. berkeley.edu is the domain name and berkeley is the host 2.The suffix in the domain name after the dot is called the top-level domain. The suffix indicates the kind of organization to which the host belongs.
Current top-level domains and their authorized users Domain NameWho Can Use the Domain Name.aeroMembers of the air transport industry.bizBusinesses.comOriginally for commercial sites, can be used by anyone now.coopCooperative associations.eduDegree-granting institutions.govUnited States government.infoInformation service providers.jobsPosting and recruiting job opportunities.milUnited States military.museumMuseums.nameIndividuals.netOriginally for networking organizations, is no longer restricted.orgOrganizations (often nonprofits).proCredentialed professionals.travelTravel-related services.ukUnited Kingdom country code.usUnited States country code Pg 113 of textbook
Internet Protocol (IP) The Internet Protocol (IP) defines the format and addressing scheme used for the packets Data Packet Small group of bytes that includes the data being sent and a header containing information about the data, such as…. destination origin size identification number All devices connected to the internet have a unique IP Address IP Address: a unique 32 bit identifier for internet hosts. Static: permanently assigned to a particular computer Dynamic: assigned to computers as needed.
Succeeding with Technology Internet Protocols Protocols make the internet possible TCP/IP provides a standard that is fairly easy to implement, public, free, and extensible TCP/IP is glue that holds the Internet together
Succeeding with Technology IP Addresses The IP part of TCP/IP defines the format for the addresses that identify computers on the Internet These addresses are called IP addresses An IP address is a series of numbers, such as o It is separated into four sections by periods
Succeeding with Technology People find it difficult to remember long strings of numbers, so host computers also have names called domain names Domain name – “fully qualified domain name” (FQDN), usually typed in all lowercase o Key component of URLs and addresses o www. msu.edu/biologycatalog.htm - is the domain name A domain name ends with an extension that indicates its top-level domain Disputes
Succeeding with Technology Domain Name → IP Address Each name corresponds to an IP address Domain name system – Huge database that houses the names and IP addresses Domain name servers – Computers that house the database
Web = Internet ?? Internet Provides the technological infra-structure on which the Web and other Internet-based services depend. Web Provides a convenient platform for delivering information and services using the Internet Communicating Sharing Learning Finding entertainment Making new friends
Digital Divide: The difference between those that have access to the internet and those that don’t.