SOFIA: Seamless Operation of Forest Industry Applications University of Jyväskylä Sergiy Nikitin & Minna Lappalainen
Objective: To build an ICT solution for logistics optimization on the contractor site (for harvesting and transportation SME’s) The practical outcome - a SOFIA software platform for B2B mediation tailored to the forestry sector of Finland Strategic fit to research strategy: Optimized logistics will: – Decrease expenses of the entire raw wood supply chain by approx. 50 mil. € annually, hence increase competitiveness of the whole value chain – Free the capacity for the strategic goal of national wood production growth up to 25% SOFIA - a basis for easy adoption of new business models: – No changes in the existing ICT solutions of forest industry companies – Enables efficient operations and high customer service level for contractors having multiple customers – A big step towards flexible forestry service market SOFIA
Main actions: Platform implementation in close cooperation with end users Business opportunities and challenges: A set of competing SME’s can be established for SOFIA provision, support & further development Challenges: – Historically closed environment – No support from other Information System providers may raise connectivity difficulties – Monopoly of IS provider(s) may influence SOFIA adoption SOFIA
Value creation potential: SOFIA offers: cost reduction, openness and readiness for new business scenarios Renewal of forest industry: Prepares a basis for ICT innovations in forestry chainSustainability: Use of standards and configurable platform architecture New competence and/or knowledge: Expertise in forestry domain combined with the bleeding edge ICT technologies Impact and expected benefits Date Source: 4
Research partners: Koneyrittäjät ry, Metsäalan kuljetusyrittäjät ry, Metsäteho, Metla, Joensuun yliopisto, VTT, Metsäkeskus Tapio, Metsäteollisuus ry, Energiateollisuus ry International networking: Skogforsk, Sweden; University of Freiburg, Germany Links to other EU/ Forestcluster Ltd programmes: “Indisputable Key” EU FP6 project More to be added… Networking
Appendix A – State of the art in logistics planning
Appendix B – SOFIA platform for a contractor SME
Appendix C – Concept of Virtual Machine From the consumer point of view, logging and transportation services look the same, however, the real equipment of the contractor is hidden. A wood buyer makes orders seamlessly, but the assembly chosen for the execution is virtual. The service provider then plans the operations and assigns tasks to real units