Scope of Work (SOW) How to Successfully Address the Elements in the SOW?
BACKGROUND Describe how the services fit into the using agency's mission/goals, function, legislation or new initiatives that necessitate these services, other solutions tried in the past, etc –Summarizes the problem that needs solving –State solutions –State who benefits –Cleary describe the goal of the project –State at a high level (desired results) –Defines what constitute success (how will you know when you have successfully achieved your goal) –Determine current levels of performance to establish baseline against which future performance can be measured…if you don’t know where you started you can’t tell how far you’ve come
PURPOSE This field automatically populates from the Contract Face Page. Do clearly state what the contract is for and what is being done. Include the services or activities to be performed under the contract. Don’t be vague; don’t leave out key words. Put yourself in the reader’s shoes. If this was not your contract and you performed a search, would it be easy to find it?
SCOPE OF WORK Describes the requirements and responsibilities of the contractor. –The Contractor will (Active Voice) –List the services to be provided by the contractor/vendor
PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS/STANDARDS Outline the “essential” activities, tasks and deliverables that the contractor must accomplish to meet the objectives of the project/contract. This section is generally described under the framework of input and output measures.
PERFORMANCE MONITORING/QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN Outline the evaluation criteria to evaluate the progress towards your project/contract objectives States how you will measure your project results? How will the accomplishments be objectively measured and show “hard” evidence that dollars did some good? This section is generally described under the framework of outcome and service quality measures.
REIMBURSEMENT Define the plan for reimbursement of services. Expenses are to be outlined in the budget narrative. The budget is to demonstrate consistency with project/contract objectives. When possible, link the payment with meeting the performance measures. This section is generally described under the framework of efficiency measures.