Hundreds Gather to Protest… Global Warming!
Mr. Jocz’s
–International Panel on Climate Change (UN): Human pollutants causing global climate change Nobel Prize, 2007
How Warming Occurs Sun waves hit Earth surface either reflect/absorbed. Incoming UV, outgoing Infrared GGases trap reflected IR light waves warming
GW: Natural process warmer Earth
Greenhouse Gases All trap solar radiation in atmosphere CO 2 Water Vapor CH 4 CFC’s N 2 O (nitrous oxide) SOx Trop. O 3 Significant Seven!!
Water Vapor MAJOR greenhouse gas (85-97% of natural warming) Humans don’t affect its concentrations
Cloud Cover Cover 60% of Earth; reflect 30% of light White Ice High Albedo (high reflectivity)
Increase in CO 2 Cycling due to seasons Peaks CO 2 : fall spring: RESP! Troughs CO 2 : spring fall: PS!
0.5° C increase over 100 yrs Pre I: 280 ppm Post I: 360 ppm
Methane CH 4 Emissions Traps 25 x’s more heat than CO 2 Emissions: Anaerobic breakdown of org. material by bacteria in swamps, rice paddies, landfills, intestinal tracts, Also, nat. gas leaks
Methane Reduction? Scientists are trying to invent new feeds for cows to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases they produce / stm?bw=nb&mp=wm&news=1&ms3=6&ms_javas cript=true&bbcws=2 /newsid_ / stm?bw=nb&mp=wm&news=1&ms3=6&ms_javas cript=true&bbcws=2
CFCs Can absorb times more radiation than 1 mol. of CO 2 Very stable ( yrs) Phased out by Montreal Protocol
Nitrogen Oxides Emissions:Burning of gas, fertilizer app, feces. Lifespan: 120 yrs Traps 230 times as much as CO 2
Sulfur Oxides Emissions: Volcanoes, Coal burning, Smelting 15 x’s stronger than CO 2 Mt. Pinatubo
Kyoto Protocol Int. env. treaty 12/11/97, Effective in 2005 Industrialized countries met in Japan to agree to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
#YOLO! No More Kyoto for Us!