ROUEN - FRANCE The EMOP project - Empowering Employees to Manage their Outplacement Process - is one of the Leonardo da Vinci projects in which Dunarea de Jos University of Galati is currently involved. This project will have a special impact on the local labour market due to its aims - the development of an innovative outplacement concept which will improve the people’s capacity in adapting to the market needs. The Romanian version of the final product will be applied especially to the people working in the metallurgical industry.
ROUEN - FRANCE The project is carried out by the following partners: -fms GmbH (Germany) - Coordinator/contractor -fms GmbH (Germany) - Coordinator/contractor -Dunarea de Jos University (Romania) -Eurovision Ltd. (Czech Republic) -Asset Technology (Greece) -CSCS (Italy) -BD-Center (Poland) -ISQ (Portugal) -Instituto de Empresas (Spain) -WSHE (Poland)
ROUEN - FRANCE Dear Visitor! With this website we would like to inform you about the EMOP Project. Empowering Employees to manage their own outplacement process [EMOP] is an international joint project that focuses on the development of an innovative outplacement tool to coach individuals through an outplacement/new-placement situation. Envisioned new core of this media-mixed tool is an interactive task- management software, to be used jointly by a coach and laid-off individuals for continuous communication and as “organizer” (in the sense of a project management calendar) of the new-placement process. The envisioned outplacement tool (emop) will be applicable in arising outplacement situations as well as a preventive measure to teach goal- oriented job-hunting strategies. Because of the large number of individuals in need of these qualification, alternative concepts to the individual one-to-one coaching have to be developed.
ROUEN - FRANCE The aims of the project are the development and practical use of an innovative outplacement concept, which is characterised by the following specifications: -Communication Mix: combination of personal, face-to-face and -Internet-based support of participants in a vocational re-orientation phase. -Educative Approach: new methods of teaching and learning accompanying the re-orientation process with the goal to qualify people for their own job-search, respectively succesfull placement on the job market by teaching them new methods to preserve their work abilities. -Double Functionality: on the one hand the web-based emop tool functions as self organisation and communicaton platform for the participants – on the other hand it will be used for case-organisation and administration platform for the advisor. -Usability: the emop concept is useable on various educational levels, the only precondition is basic IT-knowledge and Internet acces. -Operation Fields: reactive use in urgent cases of outplacement and proactive use as qualification for a later job search.
ROUEN - FRANCE module 1 module 1 is presenting the situations of change ensuring the psychological support (how to deal with the situation, how to talk to the family and friends, clearing the financial situation, making a list of monthly expenses, getting organized and establishing a weekly schedule of activities) exchange of data via an internal text system module 2 module 2 represents the individuals‘ potential analysis: checking career potential, personal skills and preferences (one or more tests will be integrated) during the pilot phase will check of different tests with regard to usability and efficiency Project concept
ROUEN - FRANCE module 3 module 3 – is the training application (check of CV, cover letter, complete application, how to prepare for job interview) êmodel CVs or standard patterns will be integrated; êis the offline part of emop; module 4 module 4 - information management module (job research strategies are defined here and the networking) offers a standardized support as well as personal exchange with other clients (data are exchanged via the internal text system or ) module 5 - organizer: the heart of emop
ROUEN - FRANCE The EMOP project develops an innovative outplacement- concept which presents some specific aspects such as: -contribution for the introduction of changes in the national systems of vocational training and – practices; -contribution to the European strategies for the vocational training; -combination of new applications strategies with existing methods, instruments and products in order to use them for new topics and/or target groups; -new ways of co-operation/networking between partner institutions and/or political decision makers. CONCLUSIONS