CMS Computing and Core-Software Report to USCMS-AB (Building a Project Plan for CCS) USCMS AB Riverside, May 18, 2001 David Stickland, Princeton University CMS Computing and Core-Software Deputy PM
DPS May/18/2001 USCMS-AB Slide 2 CCS Core Computing & Software PRS Physics Reconstruction and Selection TriDAS Online Software 1. Computing Centres 2. General CMS Computing Services 3. Architecture, Frameworks / Toolkits 9. Tracker / b-tau 8. Online Farms 7. Online Filter Software Framework 6. Production Processing & Data Management 5. Software Process and Quality 4. Software Users and Developers Environment 10. E-gamma / ECAL 11. Jets, Etmiss/HCAL 12. Muons SPROM (Simulation Project Management) RPROM (Reconstruction Project Management) GPI (Group for Process Improvement)…recently created CPROM (Calibration Project Management)…to be created Cafe (CMS Architectural Forum and Evaluation) CPT Project
DPS May/18/2001 USCMS-AB Slide 3 Developing a CCS Project Plan l Build a common planning base for all CPT tasks l Clarify responsibilities l Coordinate milestones l March 2001 planning: ( è Task Breakdown, Deliverables, Cross-projects l Next: Milestone study è Top Down p Starting from major deliverables è Bottom up p Starting from current project understanding è External Constraints p DAQ TDR, Physics TDR, CCS TDR, Data Challenges, LHC timetable etc Without this it is impossible to measure performance, assign limited resources effectively, identify conflicting constraints etc
DPS May/18/2001 USCMS-AB Slide 4 Current most significant risk to the project is insufficient SW manpower l We are making good use of the resources we have and making progress: è OO code is deployed and is the standard for CMS è Worldwide productions è Full use of prototype facilities p Leading to improved code and understanding of limitations è A solid SW Infrastructure base is in place l But there are many things we are unable to cover adequately: è No Calibration infrastructure è No Alignment infrastructure è Detector Description Database only just getting underway è Analysis infrastructure not yet deployed è Slow progress with our GEANT4 implementation è Unable (time!) to answer all the (good) questions the GRID projects are asking us è “Spotty” user-support p Best effort, when time permits è Most of the tasks in SW Quality Assurance and Control are unmanned è Unacceptably high exposure to loss of key people p No backups in any role è Etc etc….
DPS May/18/2001 USCMS-AB Slide 5 Core SW: Requirements v Current Situation l Major commitments from USA and CERN/CMS l Recent additions from Italy, France and Russia
DPS May/18/2001 USCMS-AB Slide 6 Core SW Manpower: Next steps (already underway)
DPS May/18/2001 USCMS-AB Slide 7 Where does CERN stand? l With the CPT organization we have successfully delineated the on-project SW tasks from the base-program tasks and we have a management structure to handle those two cases. l In the US, reasonable plans exist to put in place the Computing and Software. They still need to be funded but the plans and general will exist. l In Russia, the UK, Italy, France, Germany the wheels are in motion. They also clearly have the intention to make every effort to put the Computing in place. l But è CERN does not know how to pay for its share è Currently it is very difficult to discern a coherent direction to their planning p LHC Computing GRID Project p PPDG,GriPhyN, DataGrid p IMoU’s p Special contributions p ….
DPS May/18/2001 USCMS-AB Slide 8 How to respond? l We continue to build a project plan for CCS l We continue to put in place an IMoU for the SW Manpower è In the meantime we focus action to actually get the manpower l We clearly define our prototype requirements è We should be the ones to define this, not an external committee l Those Prototypes may be supplied within an IMoU context, or within a broader context of collaboration towards LHC Computing l We try to work with CERN to ensure the experiments and the Regional centers are the driving partners in any new projects and that our real needs are addressed