SCOS97-NARSTO VOC Measurements Quality Assurance Issues Eric Fujita Division of Atmospheric Sciences Desert Research Institute University and Community College System of Nevada Reno, Nevada SCOS97-NARSTO Data Analysis Conference Diamond Bar, CA February 13-15, 2001
PAMS VOC Measurements During SCOS97-NARSTO
Supplemental VOC Measurements During SCOS97-NARSTO
Supplemental VOC Measurements During SCOS97-NARSTO (continued)
VOC Measurement Audits and Comparisons Speciated Hydrocarbons Participants: ARB, EPA, BRC, DRI, SDAPCD, SCAQMD, VCAPCD, BAAQMD, and AAC Three sets of collocated ambient samples - morning sample from Los Angeles, afternoon sample from Azusa and late afternoon sample from Santa Monica. Carbonyl Compounds Performance audit involving sampling from a standard mixture of carbonyl compounds prepared in 33-liter tank by DRI. Participants - AtmAA, AAC, SCAQMD, VCAPCD, and SDAPCD Field comparison at Azusa on September 23 and 24. Participants - DRI, AtmAA, AAC, SCAQMD, VCAPCD, and ManTech. Other VOC Comparisons Biogenic compounds: Adsorbent tubes (UCR) with collocated canister samples (DRI and BRC) at Riverside. Halogenated compounds: Continuous GC/ECD (DGA) with canister samples (DRI - Zielinska and Schorran) at Azusa.
SCOS97-NARSTO Quality Assurance Hydrocarbon Performance Audits Participants – Coordination, data compilation and analysis (Eric Fujita, DRI and Mike Miguel, ARB) – DRI 12-port manifold canister sampling system (Larry Sheetz, DRI) – Collection of ambient samples (Pat Harrington, ARB) – Participating laboratories: ARB, U.S. EPA, Biopheric Research Corporation, Desert Research Institute, SDAPCD, SCAQMD, VCAPCD,BAAQMD, ManTech Environmental Technology, Atmospheric Analytical Consultants. Audit Samples – Los Angeles N. Main (morning sample): AAC, ARB, BAAQMD, BRC, DRI, EPA, SCAQMD, SDAPCD, VCAPCD, ARB (duplicate), DRI (duplicate), EPA (duplicate). – Azusa (afternoon sample): AAC, ARB, BAAQMD, BRC, DRI, EPA, SCAQMD, SDAPCD, VCAPCD, ARB (duplicate), DRI (duplicate), EPA (duplicate). – Santa Monica (evening sample): BRC, DRI, EPA, SDAPCD, VCAPCD.
SCOS97-NARSTO Hydrocarbon Audit Los Angeles N. Main Ambient Sample – Functional Type and Totals
SCOS97-NARSTO Hydrocarbon Audit Azusa Ambient Sample – Functional Type and Totals
SCOS97-NARSTO Hydrocarbon Audit Santa Monica Ambient Sample – Functional Type and Totals
SCOS97-NARSTO Hydrocarbon Audit Azusa Ambient Sample Outlier – Average above 1 ppbC with Lab/DRI ratio 1.3 Outliers excluded from regressions.
SCOS97-NARSTO Hydrocarbon Audit Los Angeles, N. Main Ambient Sample Outlier – Average above 1 ppbC with Lab/DRI ratio 1.3 Outliers excluded from regressions.
SCOS97-NARSTO Hydrocarbon Audit Azusa Ambient Sample Outlier – Average above 1 ppbC with Lab/DRI ratio 1.3 Outliers excluded from regressions.
SCOS97-NARSTO Quality Assurance Performance Audits for Sampling and Analysis of Carbonyl Compounds Participants – Coordination, data compilation and analyis (Eric Fujita, DRI and Randy Pasek, ARB) – Preparation and analysis of carbonyl standard (Greg Harshfield, DRI) – Audit equipment (Larry Sheetz, DRI) – Participating laboratories: SDAPCD, SCAQMD, VCAPCD, Atmospheric Assessment Associates (AtmAA), Atmospheric Analytical Consultants (AAC). Audit Sampling – Standard mixture of four carbonyl compounds in 33 liter tank prepared by DRI. – Standard mixture in 6-liter transfer canister and gas standard delivery system sent to participants – Sample from standard mixture with ~ 200:1 dilution.
Gas Standard Delivery System Performance Audits of Carbonyl Compound Measurements Consists of a mass flow controller, a 6- liter stainless steel gas standard transfer canister, and a 3-way valve and tee assembly. The flow controller is preset to provide a flow of 5.0 ml per minute. Prior to shipment of the system, fittings and stainless steel sampling lines are cleaned with deionized water and baked at 170 o C for 24 hours.
SCOS97-NARSTO Carbonyl Audit Atmospheric Assessment Associates (AtmAA)
SCOS97-NARSTO Carbonyl Audit Atmospheric Analytical Consultants (AAC)
SCOS97-NARSTO Carbonyl Audit Ventura County APCD
SCOS97-NARSTO Quality Assurance Measurement Comparison of Halogenated Compounds
SCOS97-NARSTO Quality Assurance Measurement Comparison of Isoprene