EC Compliance Kristin Haigler and Kris Earl November 2009
Invitation to Conference/Prior Notice At least 7 days notice is required on the Invitation to Conference from the date sent to the date the meeting is scheduled. At least 7 days notice is required on the Invitation to Conference from the date sent to the date the meeting is scheduled. Making arrangements by phone does not count as Prior Notice. Prior Notice starts when the written Invitation to Conference is sent. Making arrangements by phone does not count as Prior Notice. Prior Notice starts when the written Invitation to Conference is sent. If team agrees to meet before the 7 days, that can be handwritten on the form, but there should still be 7 days between date sent and scheduled meeting date on the Invitation to Conference If team agrees to meet before the 7 days, that can be handwritten on the form, but there should still be 7 days between date sent and scheduled meeting date on the Invitation to Conference
Invitation to Conference/Prior Notice If parent indicates they plan to attend and signs Invitation to Conference, a second notice is not required If parent indicates they plan to attend and signs Invitation to Conference, a second notice is not required If parent does not attend the meeting, team can meet without the parent, only addressing purposes on Invitation to Conference. If parent does not attend the meeting, team can meet without the parent, only addressing purposes on Invitation to Conference. If the team wants to discuss/meet for additional purposes, a second meeting must be scheduled. If the team wants to discuss/meet for additional purposes, a second meeting must be scheduled.
Invitation to Conference/Prior Notice If an IEP meeting needs to be rescheduled: If an IEP meeting needs to be rescheduled: Document on the original invitation, a second invitation is not required Document on the original invitation, a second invitation is not required Do not let the IEP lapse due to rescheduling Do not let the IEP lapse due to rescheduling With adequate notice and two documented contacts, the team should meet With adequate notice and two documented contacts, the team should meet Work with the parent to possibly attend by alternate means, such as by phone conference Work with the parent to possibly attend by alternate means, such as by phone conference
Initial Referral Initial Referral The date of Referral, the 90 day timeline, begins when the EC Teacher receives the referral The date of Referral, the 90 day timeline, begins when the EC Teacher receives the referral Through written parent request Through written parent request Through A-Team Through A-Team The EC Teacher receiving the referral should ensure that all required components of A-Team are complete before accepting referral The EC Teacher receiving the referral should ensure that all required components of A-Team are complete before accepting referral
Initial Referral All out of state transfers are initial referrals. All out of state transfers are initial referrals. Information received should be used as part of the referral Information received should be used as part of the referral Interventions can be obtained from IEP received Interventions can be obtained from IEP received Current testing can be used Current testing can be used Even though it is an initial referral, a student may not need to be tested in every area if there is current testing Even though it is an initial referral, a student may not need to be tested in every area if there is current testing
Initial Referral When completing Discussion of Student’s Strengths (pg. 1) and Review of Existing Data (pg. 3), When completing Discussion of Student’s Strengths (pg. 1) and Review of Existing Data (pg. 3), The information should provide a comprehensive description of the student The information should provide a comprehensive description of the student Should be more than a single phrase or sentence. Should be more than a single phrase or sentence.
Initial Referral IEP Team Determination (pg. 4) IEP Team Determination (pg. 4) If the IEP team determines to conduct an evaluation, the evaluations listed must match evaluations checked on the DEC 2, Permission to Evaluate If the IEP team determines to conduct an evaluation, the evaluations listed must match evaluations checked on the DEC 2, Permission to Evaluate The names of the evaluations written on the DEC 1 should be written as stated on DEC 2 The names of the evaluations written on the DEC 1 should be written as stated on DEC 2
Reevaluation Any Reevaluation triggers the three year cycle Any Reevaluation triggers the three year cycle A DEC 7 is required for every Reevaluation A DEC 7 is required for every Reevaluation Review of Existing Data Review of Existing Data Each section must be addressed and should provide a comprehensive description Each section must be addressed and should provide a comprehensive description Should be more than a single phrase or sentence Should be more than a single phrase or sentence
Reevaluation The IEP team will Determine the Need for Additional Data The IEP team will Determine the Need for Additional Data If the team determines the need for testing, specific evaluations should be written in If the team determines the need for testing, specific evaluations should be written in DEC 2 Permission to Evaluate must be signed by parent DEC 2 Permission to Evaluate must be signed by parent Tests written in on the DEC 7 must match the evaluations checked on the DEC 2, using the same terms on both forms Tests written in on the DEC 7 must match the evaluations checked on the DEC 2, using the same terms on both forms
Reevaluation For any Reevaluation where no testing is required, the team must complete For any Reevaluation where no testing is required, the team must complete DEC 3 Eligibility Determination DEC 3 Eligibility Determination Even if just adding/deleting transportation or any other related services Even if just adding/deleting transportation or any other related services DEC 5 Prior Written Notice DEC 5 Prior Written Notice
DEC 5 Prior Written Notice The purpose indicated needs to match the section(s) completed The purpose indicated needs to match the section(s) completed Explanations of Actions needs to provide a clear picture of the decision making process Explanations of Actions needs to provide a clear picture of the decision making process Each section should state the decision and a description of why the decision was made Each section should state the decision and a description of why the decision was made Document date of implementation and copy of DEC 5 given to parent Document date of implementation and copy of DEC 5 given to parent
DEC 5 Prior Written Notice Prior Written Notice should be completed whenever there is disagreement between the LEA and the Parent Prior Written Notice should be completed whenever there is disagreement between the LEA and the Parent There must be documentation that the parent was given a copy of the DEC 5 There must be documentation that the parent was given a copy of the DEC 5 A copy of the Parents’ Rights Handbook should be given with the DEC 5 A copy of the Parents’ Rights Handbook should be given with the DEC 5
Initial IEP/Annual Review The beginning date on the IEP is the date of the meeting, with IEP dated for one year The beginning date on the IEP is the date of the meeting, with IEP dated for one year With the exception of PreK, meeting prior to the third birthday With the exception of PreK, meeting prior to the third birthday If there is a delay in getting the DEC 6 signed, the IEP team should reconvene to start the IEP with the date of the DEC 6 If there is a delay in getting the DEC 6 signed, the IEP team should reconvene to start the IEP with the date of the DEC 6
IEP Compliance Issues Summarize Assessment Information should review current assessment data and current IEP progress Summarize Assessment Information should review current assessment data and current IEP progress Assessment data could include formal evaluations if just completed, but should include current classroom assessment data as well as state and district assessment data Assessment data could include formal evaluations if just completed, but should include current classroom assessment data as well as state and district assessment data Functional Performance Functional Performance Must be addressed for every student Must be addressed for every student
IEP Compliance Issues Extend 1 & Extend 2 Extend 1 & Extend 2 Extend 1 – Extended Content Standards Extend 1 – Extended Content Standards Extend 2 – Competency Goals Extend 2 – Competency Goals Test Modifications Test Modifications Must be documented to be used in class Must be documented to be used in class Test Modifications for students in separate settings Test Modifications for students in separate settings Other: list classes and accommodations, with statement student will participate in classes with disabled peers Other: list classes and accommodations, with statement student will participate in classes with disabled peers Least Restrictive Environment Justification Statement Least Restrictive Environment Justification Statement Must explain why services cannot be delivered with nondisabled peers Must explain why services cannot be delivered with nondisabled peers
Meeting Compliance Parents should receive a copy of all forms completed Parents should receive a copy of all forms completed If attending the meeting, they should receive a copy before they leave If attending the meeting, they should receive a copy before they leave If not attending, a copy should be forwarded, with documentation to the method used If not attending, a copy should be forwarded, with documentation to the method used
EC Compliance Questions??? Questions??? Plus/Delta/Issue Bin Plus/Delta/Issue Bin