Developing a population approach to gambling: health issues December 2010 Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH)
Gambling – facts and figures There is little information on the prevalence of gambling and problem gambling across the island of Ireland. Estimated figures suggest between 0.6 and 1 per cent of the population experience problems related to gambling The Northern Ireland Gambling Prevalence Survey 2010 found 2.2% of respondents classified were problem gamblers
Health Impacts of Gambling Gambling is a continuum from those who do not participate at all to those who are addicted. For many people participating in a gambling activity is not a problem and often used for enjoyment and entertainment – this can have positive impacts gained from social recreation and leisure, to wide increased employment opportunities and contribution to the economy. Problem gambling can negatively affect significant areas of a person’s life, including mental and physical health, employment, finances and relationships with others.
Action for change A.Develop knowledge and information Baseline data is essential B. Increase public awareness and education Promote a greater understanding of the relationship between gambling and potential risks to health C. Promote responsible gambling environments Focus on general protection and promotion of wellbeing in the community D. Provide support services Consider initiatives to enhance services designed to help those who suffer harmful effects of gambling