MUSIC and WORSHIP. Relevant Truths/Doctrines WorshipSpiritualityTruth Spiritual Battle Unity Spiritual Maturity Submission.


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Presentation transcript:


Relevant Truths/Doctrines WorshipSpiritualityTruth Spiritual Battle Unity Spiritual Maturity Submission

Relevant Truths/Doctrines WorshipSpiritualityTruth Spiritual Battle Unity Spiritual Maturity Submission

Relevant Truths/Doctrines WorshipSpiritualityTruth Spiritual Battle Unity Spiritual Maturity Submission

Relevant Truths/Doctrines WorshipSpiritualityTruth Spiritual Battle Unity Spiritual Maturity SubmissionEmotion

Religious AffectionsJonathan Edwards “The affections and passions are frequently spoken of as the same, and yet in the more common use of speech, there is in some respect a difference. Affection is a word that in the ordinary signification, seems to be something more extensive than passion, being used for all vigorous lively actings of the will or inclination, but passion for those that are more sudden, and whose effects on the animal spirits are more violent, and the mind more over powered, and less in its own command. “The affections are no other than the more vigorous and sensible exercises of the inclination and will of the soul.” pp

Worship in SongScott Aniol “'Passions' are surface-level feelings that are merely physical, chemical responses to some sort of stimulus. Blushing when embarrassed, experiencing 'butterflies' in your stomach, or 'goose bumps' are examples of such passionate responses. Passions include things like fear, anger, sentimentalism, sexual drive, and appetite. They are not wrong, but they are not the measure of true spiritual response to truth and should never be allowed to control us. Whenever a person is controlled by his gut, his passions, he will fail to do what is right.” pg. 53

Worship in SongScott Aniol “'Affections,' on the other hand, involve the mind. They arise as a result of some sort of cognitive understanding of truth. They are not immediate but developed. They are not merely surface level physical responses; they support the intellect. Affections are so important to develop because we need noble affections to keep our passions in check. Without biblical affections, passions will always win over the mind.” pg. 53

Worship in SongScott Aniol “That is why biblical affection is the essence of true religion; biblical affection comes from the affirmation of right biblical truths, and it results in right actions. Without right beliefs there would be no right affection, but without right affection there would be no right action.” pg. 54

Real WorshipWarren Wiersbe “We don't go to church to worship, because worship ought to be the constant attitude and activity of the dedicated believer. We go to church to worship publicly and corporately. What we've been doing privately all week long we do publicly as we gather with the people of God...You and I bring to the service our own spiritual contribution of blessing, depending on our personal daily walk with the Lord.” pp

Real WorshipWarren Wiersbe “If my body belongs to the Lord, then I ought to be present when God's people gather to worship. All of the faculties of my body should be open to His blessing and available for His service. I should see to it that I am at my best on Sunday morning—and this might mean saying no to late-night activities on Saturday evening... “I'll also be careful to fill my mind with God's truth and not the world's trash (Phil. 4:8). Taking a worldly mind and a disobedient will to a worship service is an insult to the Lord and grieves the Holy Spirit.” pg. 99

Real WorshipWarren Wiersbe “...the Christian who cannot praise God anywhere, at any time, is not likely to praise Him enthusiastically in a church worship service. We don't go to church to praise God: we bring our praise with us. The worship service isn't an interruption of our praise, it's a continuation and augmentation of our praise, as we join hearts and voices with other believers.” pg. 100

Relevant Truths/Doctrines WorshipSpiritualityTruth Spiritual Battle Unity Spiritual Maturity SubmissionEmotion