Congress #4 Their OTHER Powers they don’t just make laws…. The World Toilet Summit in Belfast, Northern Ireland, is one beneficiary of U.S. spending on so-called “pork”projects. Congress allocated $13.5 million for the International Fund for Ireland, which helps fund the summit.
Let’s reflect on pork… “One man’s pork is another man’s economic development. Take the Iowa Environmental / Education Project. It is intended as a tourist destination, with replicas of ecosystems, like a 4.5 acre indoor rain forest. Senator Charles E. Grassley (R-IA) secured $50 million for it, hoping it will infuse $120 million a year into Iowa’s flagging economy. One reason such earmarks flourish is that they help create support for passing larger, sometimes controversial appropriations [giving out money] bills: It’s hard for any lawmaker to vote against a bill that has earmarks that would help his or her district.”
Republicans have said they will get rid of all earmarks. Good idea?
Legislative Powers Congress today is said to be polarized: – 2 parties can’t agree This leads to gridlock: inaction in gov.
How are members of Congress able to get their bills passed? – Logrolling – PORK!
Leg. Success Generally, Congress is successful with: – Narrow issues Raising minimum wage – Not successful in broad changes Health Care
The Other Powers 1.Oversight 1.Oversight : – Congress controls the “purse strings” by appropriating funds
Oversight Thus, they must make sure that the $ is being spent appropriately: – Congressional Budget Office – General Accounting Office – Sunset Laws
2. Investigate Hold hearings on scandals – Ex. Steroids in baseball
3. Representation Power How do you accurately represent your constituents? – Delegate – Trustee
4. Impeach & Remove President, VP, Judges can be impeached (charged w/a crime) for treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors HR approves the articles of impeachment S holds the trial to determine removal 2 presidents have been impeached, none removed **CHECKS & BALANCES AT WORK**
Senate’s Powers Confirm Appointments – President nominates federal judges, Cabinet secretaries, ambassadors, and others – S confirms Ratify Treaty – Pres negotiates treaty – S ratifies