After viewing this PowerPoint you will: Have a better understanding of what Radiation therapy is. Learn the different ways Radiation therapy is applied. Learn to correctly care for yourself after receiving Radiation therapy. Find ways to have the best Nutrition possible. Have access to support groups. Find useful information on different phone apps. Be able to use an online forum with experts to ask questions and receive answers.
Informational video: The following video covers everything you need to know about Radiation Therapy. You can access the video by going to the link below. The following link shows specific information regarding Radiation to the breast. radiation/Pages/radiation-breast.aspx radiation/Pages/radiation-breast.aspx Specific recommendations for lotion are clear colorless aloe vera gel, using an unscented soap and Tom’s or Crystal as a deodorant.
Nutritional Information ~Livewell Survivorship Program, a part of Magee Women’s Cancer Program of UPMC Cancer Centers, offers a variety of group and individual Iearning opportunities to provide patients with access to nutrition information and education. ~On-site nutrition counseling for patients in treatment (Magee Women’s Hospital) is offered by a dietician on Mondays 2pm-5pm, and Thursdays 8:30am-12:30pm, there is no charge for this service. ~Livewell Survivorship Center Nutritionist is available for appointments Mondays 8:00am-12:00pm, there is no charge for this service. ~Dietician Hotline-( ), they are available Monday-Friday 2pm- 3pm, there is no charge for this service.
Support Groups for Breast Cancer Susan G Komen Support Groups Susan G Komen Support Groups You are able to go to the link above and be redirected to support groups through Susan G. Komen. A phone number for Susan G. Komen Support Groups is: GO KOMEN( ) These support groups are for everyone with a diagnosis of breast cancer.
Support Groups for Radiation Therapy Susan G. Komen | Radiation Therapy Message Boards When going to the link above you will be redirected to message boards of fellow men and women who are going through, or already went through radiation therapy after breast cancer. You are able to ask a question, and then other members of the message board will be able to give you honest answers of what they went through.
Mentors for Breast Cancer and Radiation Therapy How to get a Mentor: If you need information or support dealing with breast cancer and radiation therapy simply contact ABCD. Or if you prefer, ask your health care provider to confirm your consent in writing by sending ABCD a Consent Form. mentor/#sthash.u4EU0wQE.dpuf mentor/#sthash.u4EU0wQE.dpuf By going to the above website you are able to download and print a form to begin the process of finding a mentor that will fit your specific needs. The process is free and will connect you to someone who you can count on during your radiation treatments. ABCD Helpline
Help in Southwest Pennsylvania When receiving Radiation Therapy you may need different kinds of assistance, PA 211 is able to connect you to many kinds of help at no charge. It can help you find: Different kinds of Housing, Food, help with paying your Utilities, and help for members of the Military. You can call:
Phone Apps for Breast Cancer Support Breast Cancer: Beyond the Shock iPhone –Free iPhone Shock. Pain. Frustration. The moments, days, and weeks after a breast cancer diagnosis are difficult, to say the least. Breast Cancer: Beyond the Shock app, created by the National Breast Cancer Foundation, is designed with this reality in mind. Med Helper Pro Pill Reminder iPhone – Free iPhone Android –$3.99 Android After a breast cancer diagnosis, you’ll need to take a lot of medicine, book appointments, and have an array of tests. Keeping track of all that could require a full-time medical assistant. Good thing the Med Helper Pro Pill Reminder is here.
Phone Apps for Breast Cancer Support Breast Cancer Diagnosis Guide iPhone – Free iPhone The world of cancer is filled with confusing, complicated language. Acronyms and codes make deciphering what your doctors tell you tricky. Never be in the dark again with the Breast Cancer Diagnosis Guide. Breast Cancer Ribbons iPhone – $0.99 iPhone Whether you’re a survivor, a current patient, a caregiver, or just a friend, you can keep everyone aware with The Breast Cancer Ribbons app. Even if you’re not wearing a ribbon, you can at least keep one in your pocket with this app.
Ask an Expert You are able to ask an expert (professional) over the internet if you have any questions at all regarding your radiation therapy. The experts are medical oncologists, surgeons, radiation oncologists or oncology nurses, who work at the Johns Hopkins Avon Foundation Breast Center. This service is free of charge, and even if they are not treating you, they are able to answer your questions. y/ y/
References Ask an Expert: Johns Hopkins Breast Center - Radiation Therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2015, from Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy - Radiotherapy | Susan G. Komen®. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2015, from Cancer education programs from Emmi Solutions and the American Cancer Society. (2010, January 1). Retrieved April 11, 2015, from Get a Mentor « ABCD after breast cancer diagnosis. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from Holland, K. (2014, May 27). The 15 Best Breast Cancer iPhone & Android Apps of Retrieved April 13, 2015, from PA Southwest, powered by United Way |. (2014, January 1). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from Radiation Therapy to the Breast. (2013, January 1). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from visitors/education/cancer-radiation/Pages/radiation-breast.aspx Support Groups. (2015, January 1). Retrieved April 13, 2015, from The LiveWell Survivorship Program of Magee-Womens Cancer Program of UPMC Cancer Centers. (2015, January 1). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from cancers/livewell-survivorship/pages/default.aspx