Ayurveda An ancient healing art
The 5 Elements of The Body
The Doshas Kapha Kapha (Earth & Water)Energetics Cold, Wet & Heavy Actions Actions Stability, solidity, lubrication & tissue building Pitta Pitta (Water & Fire)Energetics Hot, Wet & Light Actions Actions Metabolism, digestion, assimilation, body heat & glandular secretion Vata Vata (Air & Ether)Energetics Cold, Dry & Light Actions Actions Movement, nerve regulation, respiration, circulation & excretion
How Do I Determine My Dosha Type?
The 6 Tastes Sweet Cold, Wet & Heavy P/V decreased K increased Sour Hot, Wet & Light V decreased P/K increased Salty Hot, Wet & Heavy V decreased P/K increased Pungent Hot, Dry & Light K decreased V/P increased Bitter Cold, Dry & Light P/K decreased V increased Astringent Cold, Dry & Heavy P/K decreased V increased K = Kapha P = Pitta V = Vata
Diets For The Doshas Kapha Warm, Dry & Light Pungent, Bitter & Astringent Eat Dry & Astringent Fruits (apples & raisins), Raw Vegetables, Rice Cakes, Hot Spices & Spicy Herbal Teas (ginger) Avoid Sweet Fruits, Nuts, Dairy & Oil Pitta Cool, Dry & Heavier Sweet, Bitter & Astringent Eat Sweet Fruits, Bitter Vegetables (greens), Beans, Natural Sweeteners & Mild Cheeses (cottage cheese) Avoid Sour Fruits, Pungent Vegetables (onion), Nuts, Hot Spices, Fermented Dairy (yogurt) & Oils Vata Warm, Moist & Heavier Sweet, Sour & Salty Eat Sweet Fruits, Cooked Vegetables, Cooked Grains (oatmeal), Nuts, Natural Sweeteners, Mild/Warming Spices (basil) & Dairy in Moderation Avoid Dry Fruits, Dry Grains (rice cakes), Raw Vegetables, Cabbage Family (broccoli) & Beans
Balanced versus Imbalanced
To Balance Kapha Be Active Engage in Stimulating Activities Less Sleep Avoid Cold & Damp Variety Avoid “Couch Potato” Behavior
To Balance Pitta Be Calm Rest & Relax Offer Forgiveness Simplify Your Life Avoid the Sun Enjoy the Moonlight
To Balance Vata Be Moderate Get Enough Sleep Keep Regular Consistent Schedule Enjoy the Sun Mild Physical Effort Avoid Wind & Cold
The Utilization of Ayurveda in Health Care Today Mind Body Behavior Environment