Mumbai ISKCON Chowpatty July 2010 We kindly WELCOME Krishna’s Beloved Devotees on the open discussions about Brahmacari Eating – Sleeping – Working habits
Background of our activates His Holiness Radhanath Swami and Sri Sri Radha Gopinath temple Leaders by There causeless mercy and genuine care of Devotees, right now wish to deepen our care for Krishna’s Devotees in aspect of Preventive Health Education and Health Management
Genuinely serving Krishna’s Devotees in minute details by helping and encouraging for Sincere, Undivided and Unalloyed Prema Bhakti. By means of healthy life style education and holistic treatment to help Devotees fully Surrender to Guru/ Sadhu / Shastra – Counsellors and Devotional Service Leader Our mission
Prof., Dr.(Ayu) Shivakumar at Udupi Clinic from 2001 already treated about ISKCON Devotees and many Maharajs, and share his experiences, pains and finally thoughts about needful preventive health aspects in ISKCON For now, by carelessness and neglect- fullness we are developing unbalanced three pillars of healthy life stile: Eating – Sleeping – Working Eating – Sleeping – Working three initial points for health
Same point stress Krishna to us in BG “There is no possibility of one's becoming a yogī, O Arjuna, if one eats too much or eats too little, sleeps too much or does not sleep enough. He who is regulated in his habits of eating, sleeping, recreation and work can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system.” BG Eating – Sleeping – Working habits: three main point for health
lack of water; lack of water; regularly overeating; eating at wrong time; fast, passionate eating; regularly overeating; eating at wrong time; fast, passionate eating; following wrong, whimsical diet without counting individual unique nature - vata, pita, kapha; unhealthy eating snacks between general meals etc. following wrong, whimsical diet without counting individual unique nature - vata, pita, kapha; unhealthy eating snacks between general meals etc. time by time unhealthy, unnecessary fasting; time by time unhealthy, unnecessary fasting; Our general Eating habits seen by Prof., Dr. Shivakumar
lack of night sleep in general; lack of night sleep in general; lack of health night sleep; lack of health night sleep; unhealthy and unnecessary day sleep; unhealthy and unnecessary day sleep; Our general Sleeping habits seen by Prof., Dr. Shivakumar
unhealthy over work in mental and physical aspects unhealthy over work in mental and physical aspects lack of regular daily exercises – at least daily min of yoga, pranayama, exercises; lack of regular daily exercises – at least daily min of yoga, pranayama, exercises; time by time wrong, whimsical over exercises or far too much physical activities; time by time wrong, whimsical over exercises or far too much physical activities; lack of sun bath and fresh ear etc. lack of sun bath and fresh ear etc. Our general Working habits seen by Prof., Dr. Shivakumar
Dr. Shivakumar cry, when He again and again and again receiving for treatment young Krishna’s Devotees practically laying down on stretures to there weakness Dr. Shivakumar cry, when He again and again and again receiving for treatment young Krishna’s Devotees practically laying down on stretures to there weakness That is due to our present Eating – Sleeping – Working habits That is due to our present Eating – Sleeping – Working habits Heartbreaking examples
In BG Krishna sad: “I am the fire of digestion in the bodies of all living entities, and I join with the air of life, outgoing and incoming, to digest the four kinds of foodstuff.” By our unhealthy life style fire of digestion go weak, we voluntary reject, push away Krishna from our stomach, from our consciousness, from our life. And by consequences of weak fire of digestion, our body starts accumulate toxins or ama; then immune system go weak; then sterns go weak; then we get over or under weight etc. Consequences of our Eating – Sleeping – Working habits
We voluntary start new disorders, then diseases We voluntary start new disorders, then diseases And make worse existing four types of disorders and diseases: And make worse existing four types of disorders and diseases: Spiritual - “I am Ishvara, I am God, I do what I want in a way, how I like!” Spiritual - “I am Ishvara, I am God, I do what I want in a way, how I like!” Mental Mental Sensual Sensual Physical: Physical: Consequences of toxins or ama in over body
Loosing ability wisely and healthy use our three subtle senses, namely mind, intelligence and ego Loosing ability wisely and healthy use our three subtle senses, namely mind, intelligence and ego In our health care habits, and later in many others areas of our life we doubt, “we do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in us.” BG 16.7 In our health care habits, and later in many others areas of our life we doubt, “we do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in us.” BG 16.7 Our unhealthy life style consequences - Mental disorders
By indulging in sense gratification we loosing ability use five perceptive senses of hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell which are owned and given by Krishna for Devotional services and no meant for our senses gratification By indulging in sense gratification we loosing ability use five perceptive senses of hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell which are owned and given by Krishna for Devotional services and no meant for our senses gratification Our unhealthy life stile consequences - Sensual disorders
Our unhealthy life style consequences - Physical disorders By misusing our spiritual, mental and sensual ability, we misuse Krishna’s five senses of action, namely hands, legs, speech, evacuation organs and reproductive organs, with Krishna kindly give to as in our care for Devotional services By misusing our spiritual, mental and sensual ability, we misuse Krishna’s five senses of action, namely hands, legs, speech, evacuation organs and reproductive organs, with Krishna kindly give to as in our care for Devotional services
In short, consequences of our unhealthy, unbonafide, whimsically manufactured Eating – Sleeping – Working habits are:
Mental disorders and diseases: inattentiveness, carelessness, negligence, forgetfulness (loss of memory); harshness, irritability; depression, anxiety; thought and tendency about spiritual and physical suicide etc. Mental disorders and diseases: inattentiveness, carelessness, negligence, forgetfulness (loss of memory); harshness, irritability; depression, anxiety; thought and tendency about spiritual and physical suicide etc. Sensual disorders and diseases: all kind off loosing ability to hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell Sensual disorders and diseases: all kind off loosing ability to hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell Mental and Sensual disorders and diseases
low immunity; cholesterol disorders, hypertension (blood pressure), heart attack; arthritis (endless joint pain); fatigue syndrome (endless weakness); migraine (endless headache), all kind of skin diseases, acidity (APD), early hair fall (greying); piles (fissure); constipation, obesity (overweight), diabetes mellitus; Asthma (cough recurrent), tuberculosis; stones: urine, kidney etc. low immunity; cholesterol disorders, hypertension (blood pressure), heart attack; arthritis (endless joint pain); fatigue syndrome (endless weakness); migraine (endless headache), all kind of skin diseases, acidity (APD), early hair fall (greying); piles (fissure); constipation, obesity (overweight), diabetes mellitus; Asthma (cough recurrent), tuberculosis; stones: urine, kidney etc. Physical disorders diseases
These are just few physical disorders diseases, which are common for our Bramacharies ashram and congregation Devotees, witch generally starts simply from our Eating – Sleeping – Working too much or too little, without proper preventive health consciousness, which is so important in our Sadhana Bhakti stage to Please Guru, to Please Krishna These are just few physical disorders diseases, which are common for our Bramacharies ashram and congregation Devotees, witch generally starts simply from our Eating – Sleeping – Working too much or too little, without proper preventive health consciousness, which is so important in our Sadhana Bhakti stage to Please Guru, to Please Krishna Disorders and diseases
Throughout PREMA BHAKTI activities we wish to give experience of real Love and hope in KRISHNA PREMA to all Devotees, who are worried, feeling neglected, rejected etc. PREMA BHAKTI activities
Genuinely serving Krishna’s Devotees in minute details by helping and encouraging for Sincere, Undivided and Unalloyed Prema Bhakti. By means of healthy life style education and holistic treatment to help Devotees fully Surrender to Guru/ Sadhu/Shastra – Counsellors and Devotional Service Leader PREMA BHAKTI mission
Thank You so Much for You noble present Thank You so Much for You noble present PREMA BHAKTI
His Holiness Radhanath Swami His Holiness Radhanath Swami Sri Sri Radha Gopinat temple ( Sri Sri Radha Gopinat temple ( Bhaktivedanta Hospital ( Bhaktivedanta Hospital ( Prema Bhkati in Balanced and Healthy lifestyle - Prema Bhkati in Balanced and Healthy lifestyle - For more details Please check web Presentation are formatted by Dr.Nirmalchandra das and BVG Janaka das