Partnerships In Action Colorado State Patrol & Colorado Coroners Association
Partnerships In Action Traffic Records Forum Presentation Trooper Brian C. Lyons Colorado State Patrol – District 2 Accident Reconstruction Team 902 Erie, Pueblo, CO (719)
Partnerships In Action Colorado State Patrol & Colorado Coroners Association In 2001, The Colorado State Patrol – District 2 A.R.T. members established a partnership with the Colorado Coroners Association. Partnership created as a result of communication and training issues between our two organizations.
Partnerships In Action Colorado Coroners Association Established in July 17, 1987 as a means to support all Coroners across the State of Colorado. Conduct statewide training to certify members in the area of Death Investigation. Establish interaction between small and large counties as well as other state agencies to work effectively together.
Partnerships In Action Colorado Coroners Association By 1992, 21 Counties were represented by certified death investigators. Surrounding States were also requesting information on the certification process. By 1997, the Coroners Association grew from 10 members to over 100, including law enforcement personnel.
Partnerships In Action Colorado State Patrol & Colorado Coroners Association As a result of the continued partnership, The Colorado State Patrol assists with training seminars in the area of fatal crash reconstruction. Members of the Coroners Association have also assisted with training at the Rocky Mountain Crash Conference. Trp. Lyons at 2003 CCA Conference
Partnerships In Action Colorado State Patrol & Colorado Coroners Association Members of the Colorado Coroners Association have also been asked to speak at the Rocky Mountain Crash Conference to assist Reconstructionists with occupant injuries and death investigation. The partnership between our two organization has enhanced the overall investigation and reporting of fatal crashes.
Partnerships In Action Colorado State Patrol & Colorado Coroners Association When asked about our partnership with the Coroners Association, Board Member Chris Herndon stated, “We love having you involved…By you guys attending the conferences, we open and enhance lines of communication and most importantly cooperation. In all of our training we stress the importance of working together with law enforcement. Plus when you are involved, it is much easier to fix problems. Having you involved also in the outreach training, which includes more cops, has been wonderful. Team work and partnerships are the best way to work together”.
Partnerships In Action Colorado State Patrol & Colorado Coroners Association Communication & working together is the key. Thank you for the opportunity to address this forum. Have a great day.