F EBRUARY 16, :00 PM Hoover Middle School Registration Information Meeting
H OOVER 6 TH G RADE S TUDENTS R EGISTER FOR : English Math Social Studies Science Reading * Foreign Language Physical Education/Health *1 marking period Health *3 marking periods PE Elective
H OOVER 7 TH AND 8 TH G RADE S TUDENTS R EGISTER FOR : English Math Social Studies Science Foreign Language Reading/Study Skills Physical Education/Health 1 marking period Health 3 marking periods PE Electives
R EGISTRATION C ARD I NFORMATION : Preprinted recommendations for individualized placement in English and math Reading, social studies and science courses are heterogeneously grouped Registration booklet online on the Hoover website
M ATHEMATICS P ATHWAYS AT H OOVER Math 6 (on grade level) Intended for all students who have completed Grade 5 indicators Math 6 Modified (on grade level) Different pace to meet student needs Intended for students who have attempted and/or completed Grade 5 indicators
M ATHEMATICS P ATHWAYS AT H OOVER Math 7 (Grades 6 or 7) Intended for students who have completed Math 6 successfully Math 7 Modified On-Level for Grade 7 Different pace to meet student needs
M ATHEMATICS P ATHWAYS AT H OOVER Investigations into Mathematics (IM) Grades 6 and 7 (Above Grade Level) Intended for students who have successfully completed Math 6 and 7 by Grade 5 or 6 Algebra Prep – On-level Grade 8 course
M ATHEMATICS P ATHWAYS AT H OOVER Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Enriched High School Level Courses Students take semester exams which count for 25% of the semester grade Students must pass the June exam to receive credit for course Grades go on high school transcript
M ATHEMATICS P ATHWAYS AT H OOVER Honors Geometry High school level course Highest level course taught in middle school Students take semester exams which count for 25% of final grade Students must pass June exam to receive credit for the course
M ATHEMATICS P ATHWAYS B EYOND H OOVER Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 with Analysis Pre-calculus or Pre-calculus with Analysis Calculus with Application or AP Calculus
W ORLD L ANGUAGES O FFERED AT H OOVER Chinese (All high school level courses) Chinese Immersion –(grade 6) Level 1 A- (grade 7) Level 1A/B- (grade 7 or 8) Level 2A/2B (grade 7 or 8) Level 3A/3B (grade 8)
W ORLD L ANGUAGES O FFERED AT H OOVER French (high school credit course) Grades 7,8 Levels 1A/1B and 2A/2B Spanish (high school credit course) Grades 7,8 Levels 1A/1B and 2A/2B- 89% of Hoover students Level 1A- Full Year –Grade 7 Level 1B – Full Year – Grade 8
W ORLD L ANGUAGES O FFERED AT H OOVER Students must pass final exam in June to receive high school credit. Grades will be part of high school transcript. Students may start languages in grades 7 or 8. Students may need to take upper level courses at Churchill.
G RADE 6 Exploratory Classes Students rotate classes each marking period. Possible courses include Art, General Music, Intro to Drama, Intro to Computers, Chorus
G RADE 6 Full Year Course Options Band Orchestra
G RADE 7 AND 8 E LECTIVES Semester Options Full Year Options
G RADE 7/8 E LECTIVES - S EMESTER O FFERINGS Studio Art Intro to Computers Intro to Animation Web Design Digital Photography Dig. Photography 2 (Gr. 8 only) Computer Assisted Drafting and Robotics Beginning Guitar Advanced Guitar Digital Art Acting and Directing Musical Theatre Marine Biology Chorus Multimedia Publishing Ceramics and Sculpture (Gr 8 only
G RADE 7/8 E LECTIVES - F ULL Y EAR O FFERINGS Chorus Advanced Band Intermediate Band Orchestra
What is the typical Hoover day ? o Students enter the building at 7:35 am Warning bell at 7:50 am School begins at 7:55 am o 7 period day o 49 minutes long class period o 4 minutes passing time o 30 minute lunches by grade
What do our students worry about? o LOCKERS! o Students have two lockers o One for books/coat o One for PE o Please practice working combination locks
What is the cell phone policy? “Students may not turn on/use the portable communication device during the instructional day on the school campus.” Cell phone stays off from 7:20 AM until 2:40 PM Cell phone remains out of sight
O RIENTATION O PPORTUNITIES Counselor Visits to Elementary Schools Half Day Orientation - TBD 6 th Grade Parent Tea in May Summer programs in Math and Reading- TBD July- mornings Session lengths will vary Half Day Walk Through with Schedule August 25 st – Tentative Students receive lockers FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL – AUGUST 29th
H OW P ARENTS S TAY C ONNECTED A T H OOVER Edline- grades online Assignments posted on web notification of grade updates Hoover Notes Morning announcements on website Grade level teacher teams Counselors assigned by grade Join the PTA Support the Hoover Parent Foundation