WELCOME “If some do not keep pace with their companions, perhaps it is because they hear a different drummer… let them step to the music which they hear, however measured or far away.” Henry D. Thoreau Henry D. Thoreau Dr. Garth Pickard Re-orienting Educational Practice to Address Sustainability The Significance of Outdoor Education
For me... an evolution
The Significance of Outdoor Education How next happens... What happens next
The Significance of Outdoor Education What happens next is WHY YOU ARE SO IMPORTANT
The Significance of Outdoor Education Environmental Education. Physical Education, Mathematics, Social Studies, Population Education. Development Education, Energy Education HIV/AIDS Education. Permaculture Education, Citizenship Education, Democracy Education. Consumer Education Media Education, Experiential Education, Workplace Education, Conservation Education, Anti-Racist Education, Religious Education, Equity Education, Gender Education, Holocaust Education Entrepreneurship Education, Horticulture Education, Water Education Global Education Drug Education. Sex Education. International Studies. Family Studies. Human Rights Education, Women's Studies, Native Studies, Values Education. Natural History Education, Vocational Education, Economic Education, Anti-smoking Education, Conflict Resolution Education. Workplace education Disaster Prevention Education, Computer Studies, Life-Skills Education, Recycling Education, Civics Education, Heritage Education, Community Studies, Multicultural Education, Anti-Violence Education, Systems Thinking Education, Futures Education, Biodiversity Education, Pioneer Studies, Nutrition Education, Resource Management Education, Self-Image Education, Peace Education, Leadership Education, Cooperative Education, Character Education, Sexual Orientation Education, War Education, History, Health Education, What is the purpose of education? Just maybe the purpose of education needs to be all about sustaining the well-being, of all, over the long term
The Significance of Outdoor Education How next happens... What happens next It is about what has happened to all of us... and what we will do, with what has happened! Aldous Huxley Aldous Huxley We need to pause and reflect on the purpose of education in order to make things happen! (Condie)Condie
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The Significance of Outdoor Education The answer to ‘how next happens’ evolves from one understanding that from today and into the future: 1.The Purpose of Education is now oriented to ensuring the Well- being, of all, forever... guaranteed through an interdisciplinary curricula experience, which provides for this most important educational cause... and... The ‘concept’ of Outdoor Education has infused itself in future educational practice
The answer to ‘how next happens’ evolves from one understanding that from today and into the future: 2.The Pedagogy of Education must breathe life into learning for this most important educational cause through … interdisciplinarity, experiential, place-based, multi-sensory; and, spiritual learning What happens next…How next happens
The Significance of Outdoor Education The answer to ‘how next happens’ evolves from one understanding that today and into the future: 3.That the Purpose of Education embraces the notion that sustainability, community, and a third; humility, born out of gratitude are the ingredients which collectively provide the foundation for making sense of what education needs to become. What happens next…How next happens
The Significance of Outdoor Education The answer to ‘how next happens’ evolves from one understanding that today and into the future: 4.Those engaged in Education, recognize that teaching, research and learning are consequences of an integral/whole process. And that the educational practices of “parceling” learning and not appreciating the aggregate nature of the phenomenon itself are directly opposed to those efforts. What happens next…How next happens
The Significance of Outdoor Education Assembly Helps
The Significance of Outdoor Education Handprints Footprints () (environmental, social, economic, cultural) TomorrowToday Exploratory & assessment Greening & cost saving Recycling Energy savings Water/waste reduction Green purchasing Cafeteria composting Water bottle bans Food source and handling Green buildings Transportation Natural and social sciences Teaching for SD Overarching principle at TEI Transdisciplinary approach Focus on informed action Assessment and reporting Values /Ethics embedded (EC) Exemplary models Embedded throughout Community partnership Greening all school design Corporate Citizenship Full Cost Accounting Tracking and reporting Natural sciences Teaching about SD Environmental studies Individuals at TEI Climate change research Water Eco-school Green Economics C. Hopkins, 2012 Action & embedded Useful to all of society
The Significance of Outdoor Education So what has happened to you over your career … and what happens next?
The Significance of Outdoor Education Ask yourself: ‘What do I want others to learn from me for the rest of their lives?’ If, for example, your answers are; ‘volley-ball’, ‘Shakespeare’, ‘Math’, ‘Biology’, ‘canoeing’ … Ask yourself... So what’s the point? How next happens... What happens next Change is not a Choice
The Significance of Outdoor Education Take care of yourselves Dr. Garth Pickard
“If some do not keep pace with their companions, perhaps it is because they hear a different drummer… let them step to the music which they hear, however measured or far away.” Henry D. Thoreau Henry D. Thoreau Dr. Garth Pickard Re-orienting Educational Practice to Address Sustainability The Significance of Outdoor Education