Post-Production Complete the evaluation tree by highlighting where you would position yourself in terms of skill level for your post- production of each coursework task.
Section A1.a Question: 30 mins Explain your approach to post-production in your coursework tasks. Evaluate how this developed your post-production skills.
Create a rap or song to explain how your planning and research skills have developed.
Create a collage that demonstrates your development in the use of real media conventions. Consider: Genre conventions Mise en scene Conventions you have subverted.
Write a magazine article for a technology magazine describing how digital technology skills develop by doing Media coursework.
Design a postcard to send to Y12 illustrating how to produce a good evaluation.
Produce a model to illustrate how you have developed creative skills in your coursework projects.
Transform your response to: “how have you developed research and planning skills?” into an equation. You must include at least 6 points.
Create at least one graph to illustrate your skills progression across all coursework tasks in each of the following skills: creativity digital technology research and planning post-production real media conventions
Cartoon Strip Both of these cartoon strips are about school. They get their point across in 3 or 4 frames (pictures). Can you do the same to illustrate how you developed your skills in one of the five key areas for section 1a? If you get finished try another version or a different point or topic!
Mind Map You are going to create a mind map diagram like the one to the right. This is to show your progression across all coursework tasks in each of the 5 areas for section 1a. This should show how things group together and how they are linked to each other. It should look like a web NOT just like a spider with a lot of individual legs coming off it!