FACS: Unit 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace Riverview High School Updated 09/2007
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) – An organization for students who are enrolled or have been enrolled in a FACS course for at least one semester THE ULTIMATE LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE
Develops leadership Leadership – The ability to direct and influence others Promotes personal growth Professional connections Add to resume FUN! 1.2
Currently or previously enrolled in a FACS course Grades 9-12 Pay dues: $15 Polo shirts cost $12, but you only have to pay $10 if you order one with your membership! 1.3
Local Our school District Arkansas has 6 districts – we are part of district 2 State National 1.4
Local We meet the 1 st Monday of each month during lunch in my classroom. Lunch is provided. District District STAR events: District Meeting: State State STAR events: State Meeting: National Capital Leadership: October Washington D.C. National Cluster Meeting: November Little Rock National Leadership Conference: July 5-9 Washington D.C.
Co-curricular program which means what you learn in class is applied through FCCLA FCCLA is required by the state if your school has a FACS program FCCLA enriches classroom learning through hands-on application Your FACS teacher is also your FCCLA Advisor 1.5
June 11, 1945 – Founding date of “Future Homemakers of America” as a national organization in Chicago Illinois October 17, 1946 – Affiliation date of Arkansas Association of Future homemakers of America with national organization. July 1999 – “FHA” became “FCCLA” 1.6
Motto: Toward New Horizons Colors: Red and White Flower: Red Rose Website: 1.6
The pin is a reproduction of the emblem The guard is a symbol of achievement or status in FCCLA The pin is to be worn over the heart. The guard should be placed level with the lower point of the pin. 1.6
We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope. For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values. For we are the builders of homes. Homes for America’s future, Homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair, Homes where truth and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams. We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope. 1.6
1. To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life 2. To strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit of society 3. To encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and community 4. To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony 5. To promote greater understanding between youth and adults 6. To provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities. 7. To prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in today's society 8. To promote Family and Consumer Sciences and related occupations 1.6
“Teen Times” is a publication produced just for members of FCCLA 1.6
Planning Process – A simple 5-step method to help FCCLA chapter members and advisors plan individual, group, or chapter activities Following these steps will ensure an organized project and give you ideas on how to improve in the future 1.7
Identify Concerns Set a Goal Form a Plan Act Follow Up 1.7
Parliamentary Procedure - A recognized and acceptable way of conducting an official meeting Why utilize parliamentary procedure? Maintain orderly meetings of all sizes Protect the rights of everyone involved Allow every opinion to be heard and considered Enable the majority to rule Carry out business effectively 1.8
Career Connection Leaders at Work Community Service Dynamic Leadership Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety (FACTS) Families First Japanese Exchange Financial Fitness Power of One STAR Events Stop the Violence Student Body 1.6
Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) Events – Competitive events in which FCCLA members are recognized for proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and occupational preparation These can take you all the way to nationals! 1.6
Advocacy Applied Math for Culinary Management Career Investigation Chapter in Review Chapter Service Early Childhood Entrepreneurship Environmental Ambassador Fashion Construction Fashion Design Focus on Children Food Innovations Illustrated Talk Interior Design Job Interview Leadership Life Event Planning National Programs in Action Nutrition and Wellness Parliamentary Procedure Recycle and Redesign Sports Nutrition Teach and Train 1.6