Prevnar Supply Update Peter R. Paradiso, Ph.D. Wyeth Vaccines
Prevnar Supply Update As of April 21, 2003… Prevnar is out of backorder!
Source: SDI Vaccination Audit March 2003 n=2,
Annual Incidence of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children (NCKP) April 1996 – March 2002 Vaccine Serotypes <2 yr <1 yr <5 yr Prevnar Licensed
Rate After April 00-Mar 02 Cases/100,000 p-y < % (10, 26)11.37All > 5 yo % (2, 25) % (-3, 30) < % (41, 71) % (-27, 48) P-value Percent Reduction (95% CI) Rate Prior April 95- Mar 00 Cases/100,000 p-y Age Group (yrs) Impact of the Use of Prevnar ® in Children on Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Older Children & Adults
Factors Effecting Vaccine Supply: Solutions For Manufacturers Create redundancies in critical manufacturing pathways (e.g. fill/finish) Be diligent in compliance updates (e.g. anticipate change)
Factors Effecting Vaccine Supply: Solution For users/purchasers Recognize value: it will lure manufacturers Create redundancies (e.g. stock piles) Pay attention to liability issues – emphasize the benefits (healthcare and cost)
Source: SDI Vaccination Coverage Audit Prevnar Supply Update Prevnar Vaccination Coverage (Infant Series) Backorder exceeds 1.0 million doses