The Environment and Society Section 1.2 Objectives: 1. Explain the influences of economics on the environment.
$33,000,000,000,000 One estimate of the value of products and services provided by Earth’s ecosystems every year. What products do you think this includes? What services do you think this includes?
Economics and the Environment Supply and Demand Costs and Benefits Risk Assessment Math Practice and Interpreting Statistics (p.17)
Developed vs. Developing Countries Developed Higher average incomes Slower population growth Diverse industrial economies Stronger social support systems EX: Developing Lower average incomes Rapid population growth Simple and agriculture-based economies EX:
Developed vs. Developing Countries (cont.) Developed Better quality of life Pollution controls and environmental problems addressed Use 75% of Earth’s resources Make up only 20% of world’s population Developing Struggle for survival Forests are stripped Topsoil exhausted Animal extinction Malnutrition Starvation Disease (Compare life in the 2)
Ecological Footprints The productive area of Earth needed to support one person in a particular country. Includes: Crops Grazing Forest products Housing Ocean area for seafood harvesting Forest area needed to absorb pollution How could you decrease the size of your ecological footprint? (Analyze Fig. 18, p.19)
Sustainability Meeting human needs in such a way that a human population can survive indefinitely Lakes and rivers have been cleaned up Bald eagle making a comeback Assign Project!