Ω Animal _Facts Ω About the flying dragon, the bald eagle, the saw- toothed barracuda, the Tasmanian devil, and muskrat.
Flying Dragon A flying dragon’s name comes from the extendible wings that spread from its ribs. The flying dragon’s scientific name is Draco volans. They can glide from tree to tree that are 250 miles apart.
Bald Eagle The bald eagle is one of the biggest bird of prey. It is the most popular of the eagle family, being the symbol of the U.S. The bald eagle’s wing span is usually 5ft. - 7 ft.
Saw-Toothed Barracuda The saw-toothed barracuda is one of the most dangerous carnivorous fish ever. It can be up to 6-7 ft long. Barracudas are 12 inches in width.
Tasmanian Devil The Tasmanian devil is one of the only marsupial predators of the world. The Tasmanian Devil from the Looney Toons is someone you all know, his character came from this certain species!
Muskrat A muskrat is 16-28 inches long, not very big but very protective of their homes. Muskrats live all around the world, in almost all of the wetlands of the world.