ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Content National macrophyte assessment methods Macrophyte intercalibration database Intercalibration Option 2: Use of common metrics Intercalibration Option 3: Direct comparison Conclusions and outlook
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration National macrophyte assessment methods countrynamepressure ATAIM Riverseutrophication, flow, structure BE (FL)MAFWATnon-specific BE (WL)IBMReutrophication DEReference Indexnon-specific FRIBMReutrophication NLMaatlattennon-specific PLMIReutrophication UKLEAFPACSeutrophication
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Macrophyte intercalibration database … currently covering ~ 1400 surveys, ~ 1200 sites, 16 countries, 9 IC (sub-) types, ~ 60% belonging to R-C1.x.2, R-C3, R-C4.x.2. Purpose: Common analyses and testing of IC Options
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Intercalibration Option 2: Use of common metrics 3 macrophyte taxa recorded by all national methods participating in intercalibration of (sub-)type TAXONOMIC BASIS FOR INTERCALIBRATION COMMON METRIC country A country B country C RMNI (UK) IBMR (FR, BE) MIR (PL) TIM (DE) MA-index (AT) I T E M Index of Trophy for European Macrophytes 1 COMMON INDEX DEVELOPMENT Austria, France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Great Britain DIST 2 REF REFERENCE AND DISTURBANCE INDICATORS 4 Σ (ITEM score Abundance) Σ Abundance IC Common Metric: I T E M = (SUB-)TYPE SPECIFIC CALCULATION OF COMMON METRIC
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration 5 I T E M A BC A BC country REF taxaDIST taxa harmonised (sub-)type specific I T E M - thresholds DEFINITION OF INTERNATIONAL SPECIES RESPONSE GROUPS 6 Abundance I T E M Reference value (e.g. 50% reference taxa and 5% disturbance indicators) REFERENCE / BOUNDARY VALUES FOR INTERCALIBRATION COMMON METRIC
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Intercalibration Option 2: Use of common metrics Discussion ITEM not related to “non-pressure-specific” lowland methods (BE [FL], DE, NL). Some participating countries are lacking data. Currently no common IC reference concept available.
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Intercalibration Option 3: Direct comparison Testing of Original CB lakes GIG approach and Class-by-Class approach BE (FL)
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Intercalibration Option 3: Direct comparison Discussion Constraints of national methods became uncovered: e.g. species-rich sites are underrated by weighted average metrics. Option 3 seems highly conservative: countries falling outside must make quite substantial changes to their classifications in order to harmonise. Currently no intercalibration possible due to large differences in classifications: further analytical refinements necessary.
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Conclusions State-of-the-art allows for Intercalibration of methods assessing eutrophication, Intercalibration of types where nutrient pressure plays the major role (mountain rivers). = Incomplete intercalibration
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Conclusions Different assessment concepts for lowland rivers: Lowland rivers show comparatively small trophic gradient
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Conclusions Different assessment concepts for lowland rivers: Multitude of co-acting pressures
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Conclusions Different assessment concepts for lowland rivers: Lowland rivers show comparatively small trophic gradient, Multitude of co-acting pressures. Response-oriented holistic assessment including taxonomic composition measures and functional community attributes (e.g. growth forms). Conceptually different from eutrophication assessment.
ECOSTAT meeting – Ispra (IT), July of 14 CBriv GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Steps in a possible continuation Collection of more data (2007’ monitoring cycle). Update on national macrophyte methods. Definition of common reference basis for intercalibration. Further advancements of IC Options 2 and 3. We are eager to carry on. Will you like us to continue? Results expected by September 2008.