Welcome! Rich Regan Stone Middle School Stephanie Yancey Hoover Middle School Dana Franklin Jefferson Middle School Scott Guisbert Jefferson Middle School Dan DeSousa Southwest Middle School Glenn Webb Central Middle School Loren Kerschensteiner Central Middle School
Guide Contents Provides scope and sequence that should be used to teach Comprehensive Science II and III Provides benchmark unwrapping to help plan instruction Provides resources for each benchmark Suggestions for incorporating TechSteps Teacher Toolbox Cooperative Learning Concept Mapping Exit Tickets Incorporates instructional strategies 5 Es Science Instructional Delivery Model Learning Cycle adapted by B.E.S.T Formative Assessment includes Page Keeley Probes
Yearly Overview
Each Term Starts off with a page of the benchmarks that will be covered each term
Individual Benchmark Pages
TechSteps The techSteps curriculum is a set of K-8 technology literacy standards that offers activities that teach and assess technology in the classroom. Identified on the Individual Benchmark Page
Instructional Strategies BEST Learning Cycle Formative Assessment Inquiry Based Learning 5 Es Science Instructional Delivery Model
Teacher Toolbox Cooperative Learning Jigsaw Corners Think-Pair-Share Debate Exit Tickets Graphic Organizers Consequence Diagram/Decision Tree Flow Chart Venn Diagram Webbing Concept Mapping K-W-L Laboratory Investigation Models Predict, Observe, Explain Problem Solving Think-Tac-Toe
Final Thought: The activities in your classroom should be standard driven, not chapter driven. NGSSS Middle School Curriculum Guide can be your resource to ensure student success!