Cynthia Resor & Dorie Combs Eastern Kentucky University
Include class time for reading and writing Stress silent reading or teacher read- alouds Teach skills in the context of reading, not in isolated drill and practice
Directly teach strategies Build reading lessons on the prior knowledge & experiences of students Integrate speaking, listening, reading & writing activities Make the connection between reading & writing What can we do to help young adolescents improve their reading?
Model for Students how experienced Readers Plan & Accomplish their Goals Facilitate Discussions rather than Lead them, by Asking Open-Ended Questions that Require Critical Thinking
Give students hands-on experiences that help them understand what they read Use various heterogeneous as well as homogeneous groups and group students around interests as well as ability
When ever possible, allow students to choose the books they find interesting and engaging. Provide opportunities for students to talk about what they read with peers and teachers. ◦ Whole group discussions ◦ Cooperative learning ◦ Literature Circles
Prepare students for reading: Attitude adjustment Schema activation Orientation to reading strategies
Teach vocabulary before, during, and after reading Stress prefixes, suffixes and roots Teach context clues Focus on related words Use elaboration strategies to cement word learning after reading
Guide students’ comprehension Teacher think alouds Oral guided reading Silent Guided reading
Use strategies after reading to ensure comprehension and practice higher order thinking Teach study strategies Analyze text through the use of graphic organizers Evaluate and synthesize through questioning, discussion, and writing
If the text is… Conditions for Differentiation easy difficult interested disinterested Low to Moderate Scaffolding Use independent reading and mini-lessons if needed Moderate scaffolding Pre-reading instruction in vocabulary and text structure with some guided reading strategies Moderate scaffolding Motivational activities and pre-reading instruction. Guided reading activities to help students make predictions and ask questions. High scaffolding Motivational and Pre-reading instruction to develop prior knowledge and set a purpose for reading Pre-reading strategies to develop vocabulary and text structure knowledge guided reading strategies If the student is…