What are some examples & characteristics of Wildcats?
C – Cooperative Wildcats… Work WITH their teachers Follow directions Work with fellow Wildcats Help each other achieve their highest potential Respect the LEARNING ENVIRONMENT!
A – Attentive Wildcats… Are aware of expectations Are focused on personal, educational goals Pay attention in class Stay on task during lessons Are aware of important due dates Concentrate on tests
T – Timely Wildcats… Attend classes on time Turn in assignments when they are due Complete projects and are prepared Follow directions as soon as they are presented Plan ahead for large projects
S – Successful Wildcats… Use their time wisely Participate in school activities Complete tasks to the best of their ability Understand what is expected of them Leave a POSITIVE paw print on the world!
WildCATS are… C – Cooperative A – Attentive T – Timely S – Successful ALL Students and Teachers are C.A.T.S. It is a privilege to be a Wildcat! We expect all Wildcats to possess these traits!
Recognizing a Wildcat Using “Pawsitive Paws,” a teacher can now recognize a student for being: C – Cooperative A – Attentive T – Timely S – Successful “Pawsitive Paws” will be used in drawings and other ways to reward good behavior.
What happens when you are not meeting the expectations of WildCATS? When you are not meeting the school expectations, consequences will be enforced. Your Teachers, Support Staff, Administrators, and Parents will be involved in implementing these consequences. Consistent consequences within every classroom and on campus help you know exactly what will result from your behavior. These consequences were developed to help get you back on track towards meeting the “We are WildCATS” expectations.
When students are not fulfilling their role as WildCATS they need to “Step it Up!” Step it Up Involves: Step 1 – Addressing the student Step 2 – Addressing the parent and assigning in-class intervention Step 3 – Assigning a school based Intervention Step 4 – Assigning a SLIDE Intervention Step 5 – Planning a meeting involving the student and parent Step 6 – Completing a discipline referral Step it Up!
To sum it up… “We are WildCATS” consists of the behavioral and performance expectations that we expect from every Wildcat, every day, in every place on campus. The expectations are for all Wildcats to be: C – Cooperative A – Attentive T – Timely S – Successful Students need to Step it Up when they are not meeting these expectations. All teachers will enforce “We are Wildcats” and “Step it Up” consistently!