Marine Ecosystems
Coastal Wetlands Coastal areas covered by salt water for all or part of the time Coastal areas covered by salt water for all or part of the time Functions include: Functions include: -Habitat and nesting for fish and wildlife - Flood and erosion control -Filter out pollutants -recreation
Estuaries An area where freshwater from a river mixes with salt water from the ocean An area where freshwater from a river mixes with salt water from the ocean Highly productive: Highly productive: - constantly receive nutrients from the river - shallow so sunlight can reach to the bottom Large populations of rooted plants and plankton support diverse food chains Large populations of rooted plants and plankton support diverse food chains
Development on estuaries Many of the world’s cities were built on estuaries: Many of the world’s cities were built on estuaries: New York, Shanghai, Buenos Aires, New York, Shanghai, Buenos Aires,Bombay Estuaries are threatened by sewage, agricultural runoff and industrial waste. Estuaries are threatened by sewage, agricultural runoff and industrial waste.
Coral Reefs Reefs are built by tiny animals called coral polyps and the algae that live inside them. Reefs are built by tiny animals called coral polyps and the algae that live inside them. Coral polyps secrete skeletons of calcium carbonate which accumulate to form reefs. Coral polyps secrete skeletons of calcium carbonate which accumulate to form reefs. Coral reefs are very diverse ecosystems Coral reefs are very diverse ecosystems Found only in warm salt water with enough light for photosynthesis Found only in warm salt water with enough light for photosynthesis
Reefs in danger 50% of the world’s coral reefs are in danger! 50% of the world’s coral reefs are in danger! Causes include: Causes include: -Global warming -Oil spills -Polluting runoff -overfishing
Oceans Sunlight only penetrates 330 ft into the ocean Sunlight only penetrates 330 ft into the ocean Much ocean life is concentrated in shallow, coastal water Much ocean life is concentrated in shallow, coastal water The depths of the ocean are dark The depths of the ocean are dark Decomposers and filter feeders feed on organisms that fall from the surface Decomposers and filter feeders feed on organisms that fall from the surface
Threats to the Ocean Our oceans are becoming steadily polluted Our oceans are becoming steadily polluted Runoff leads to algal bloom Runoff leads to algal bloom Waste from cities and industry pollutes coastal areas Waste from cities and industry pollutes coastal areas Sewage from coastal areas Sewage from coastal areas Overfishing Overfishing TYowBo4&feature=related TYowBo4&feature=related TYowBo4&feature=related TYowBo4&feature=related