What is Open? A Primer for Early Career Researchers and Graduate Students Megan O’Donnell Emma Molls Scholarly Communication Iowa State Univ. Library
Outline Let’s talk about (open) access. Networking meets research. Open after grad school.
Megan: Science & Technology Librarian Emma: Social Science & Humanities Librarian We’re also the co-chairs of the library’s Scholarly Communication Team Scholarly Communication is: The process of sharing and publishing research so that it is available to the wider academic community and beyond. – adapted from Wikipediafrom Wikipedia Who We Are
Find yours! You all have a librarian!
Who pays for all of those journals and books anyway? Let’s talk about access
Iowa State Access to information is expensive. Access is essential. Iowa State invests in access so you can produce high quality research.
Iowa State At ISU you get access to millions of dollars worth of info. Use it.
Access … after Iowa State Pay-walls: online barriers that are lifted with $$
Access … after Iowa State After graduation you loose your ISU access. Access will change depending on where you work. You will be asked to pay for access.
Access … after Iowa State Libraries and librarians hate paywalls as much as you do (maybe more). We’d love to get rid of them. What can we do?
Access … Open access Open Access is a global movement created and supported by researchers, librarians, and students. The goal of open access is to make research available to all – and in many formats.
Access … Open access ISU theses and dissertations are open access. Your work will reach a broader audience. Share more: code, posters, images, papers, data, etc.
Networking meets research New ways to connect and share using the web & open access.
The professional profile Professional websites and profiles CV style: long lists of accomplishments Sometimes with a little personal info…
The (old) professional profile
The (old) professional profile Q: What’s missing? A: The stuff.
The (new) professional profile
The (new) professional profile Make sure your profiles link to stuff. Don’t just have a citation. Even if it isn’t open, at least it can be found. Kim provides links and abstracts to her papers that are behind paywalls.
The (new) professional profile Dynamic - links with other accounts. Lets the work speak for itself. Works best with open access. +=
The (new) professional profile Where’s your stuff? Slideshare? GitHub? Google Drive? Figshare? Dropbox? In a box? In the garage/basement? Can people find and access it? Want to learn more about Impactstory? Guide and workshop on altmetrics
Open after grad school How will you get access? How easy is it to go open?
Open after grad school There are ways to get access. Is it, or a version of it, open access? Visit a library. Contact the author. Pay for access. This is why Open Access is a BIG deal.
Open after grad school Not all disciplines embrace open. Some are in support of open… Others are not sure… Do what you can and talk about it.
Open after grad school The U. S. government has embraced “open” research. NSF, DOE, NASA, NIH, and more will be mandating that publicly funded research is also publicly accessible. (that means no paywalls!) Universities are also passing open access policies/mandates.
Open after grad school Don’t be surprised - be prepared to share.
Make open the new default! Save and improve lives Save time Save $$ Image credits: Science Magazine's Special Collection on the Eboloa Epidemic, Photo by Blechhy on Wikipedia Commons, “The Color of Money” by Chris PotterSpecial Collection on the Eboloa EpidemicWikipedia Commons“The Color of Money” by Chris Potter
Contact & Questions: Thank you! Slide credits: color scheme (with modifications): Wes Anderson Palettes.Wes Anderson Palettes. icons: and Bill Murray as Steve Zissou in The Life Aquatic, 2004