Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy, Measures of Success Process Report John D. Lawrence June 23, 2015
Measures of success committee Inputs People Funding Agency resources Private sector resources Human Partner Organizations Partner Agribusinesses Farmer knowledge and attitude Point source communities and management knowledge and attitude Land Land use changes Net acres cover crops Net acres perennials Etc. Practice adoption Acres of practice X Acres of practice Y Etc. Point source implementation Feasibility studies Permit applications Construction Water Calculated load reduction Measured loads in priority watersheds Organized watersheds reported load changes Measured loads at existing monitoring stations Measurable indicators of desirable change Specific indicators in attached text
Progress report Inputs –IDALS gathering Inputs provided by public, private and NGOs Human –Farmer survey conducted by ISU, funded by IDALS in year 1 of 5-year contract underway Land –Land use and practices implemented with cost share complied for and started 2014 Water –Committees compiling how to estimate nutrient loads from ambient water monitoring
2015 Public Investment Million $ IDALS17.9 SRF35.7 NRCS34.0 INRC1.3
Raising Awareness and Education Reported by WRCC/WPAC June 1, May 30 th, 2015
WatershedSample Completed Surveys Response Rate HUC6 Iowa % HUC8 Lower Iowa % HUC8 Middle Cedar % HUC6 Missouri-Little Sioux % HUC8 Big Papillion-Mosquito & Boyer % HUC8 Floyd % TOTAL % Unknown Watershed (Case ID removed) TOTAL + UNKNOWN WATERSHED % Survey Response as of June 12, 2015.
Proposed funding-reporting plan