Annual FIMS Comprehensive Training Argonne National Laboratory May 6, 2015
Condition Assessment Information System ◦ Provides condition assessment information to ensure real property assets are maintained and will continue to meet DOE program goals ◦ CAIS is a cost estimating tool based on RS Means costing data. It uses industry standard deficiency systems (Uniformat II) and construction costing information to implement a costing algorithm for modeling deficiency repair and replacement costs ◦ Provides the capability to develop and prioritize projects for reducing Deferred Maintenance backlogs and replacing/upgrading assets 2
CAIS Interfaces with the Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) Data from CAIS can be easily loaded into FIMS ◦ Deferred Maintenance ◦ Repair Needs ◦ Last Inspection Date ◦ Modernization Cost ◦ Repair Needs by System ◦ 5 Worst Deficiencies for an Asset 3
CAIS supports and implements the requirements of DOE Order 430.1b (Real Property Asset Management Order) Fully web-based application ◦ Requires no software installation 4
CAIS 3.0 represents a complete redesign of the CAIS software Objectives for this redesign effort include ◦ Improve the user experience with front-end redesign ◦ Eliminate unwarranted data elements ◦ Naming consistency to align with FIMS ◦ Technology refresh for hardware and software ◦ Provide capabilities beneficial to Headquarters Program Offices ◦ Increase the number of DOE sites that use CAIS 5
Data elements and pick lists Establish Limits on Engineered Estimated Costs Define Geographic Adjusters Used by the CAIS costing algorithm to account for where your site is located geographically Updated annually by RS Means Cost and Cumulative Adders 6
Cost Adders ◦ Due to the unique nature of our facilities which include hazardous or secure environments, CAIS provides the flexibility to include costing multipliers for: Equipment Material Labor Overhead Sites can define Cost Adders at the Site, Area, Asset or IU levels Cumulative Adders allow Sites to identify increases in costs not associated with Equipment, Material, Labor or Overhead 7
8 Site LevelArea LevelAsset LevelInspection Unit Level Majority of data entry occurs at this level Geographic Location of a DOE Site Administrative Subdivision of the Site Real Property Assets from FIMS Specific Asset Components Found to be Deficient
Inspection Unit (IU) is where data is captured for a specific asset component and is the basis for estimating repair or replacement cost IU Detail data is divided into three sections ◦ Required ◦ Optional ◦ Site Defined With the entry of as few as 11 data fields, CAIS can generate repair or replacement cost 9
10 CAIS generates these costs Important Field – included in total asset level costs Determines if Cost is Deferred
Link to FIMS Real Property Assets ◦ Buildings, Trailers, and OSF’s (All Ownerships) Automatic Updates from FIMS ◦ FIMS data elements in CAIS are display only New assets added to FIMS are automatically added to CAIS Assets archived in FIMS are identified as archived in CAIS 11
12 FIMS Data Fields Key Fields Uploaded to FIMS
13 Inspection Unit and Asset Level Cost Calculations
CAIS Asset Level Inspection Unit Costing Processing Replacement Cost Quantity Replacement Quantity National Average Cost If IU Deferred Maintenance Flag = ‘Yes’ Official Cost Deferred Maintenance If IU Repair Needs Flag = ‘Yes’ Official Cost If IU RIC Flag = ‘Yes’ Official Cost or Estimated Cost Repair Cost Official Cost Calculates Repair Needs RIC Cost Designates User Input Fields Designates CAIS Generated Fields KEY: 14
Asset Level Costing Sum ( Deferred Maintenance ) Sum ( Repair Needs ) Inspection Unit Level Asset Level Deferred Maintenance Repair Needs System Level Processing for Deferred Maintenance and Repair Needs Engineered Cost IU Cost System Level Cost System Level + IU Cost or Total Deferred Maintenance Total Repair Needs Asset Level Deferred Maintenance Asset Level Repair Needs 1 2 Designates User Input Fields Designates CAIS Generated Fields KEY: Saved to Asset Level 15
Upload to the Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) Deferred Maintenance Repair Needs Last Inspection Date Modernization Cost Repair Needs by System (Optional) Five Worst Deficiencies by Asset CAIS Data Upload to FIMS 16
CAIS Standard Reports ◦ Site, Asset, Inspection Unit and Summary Level CAIS Ad-Hoc Query Tool ◦ Easy to use tool that enables user to export CAIS data to Excel ◦ Similar to FIMS ◦ Maintain a library of queries ◦ Functional for all users ◦ Query data at Asset Level Inspection Unit Level 17
CAIS 3.0 went live in April 2015 Visiting many of the CAIS sites in conjunction with FIMS validation visits to provide CAIS 3.0 training More sites migrating at the end of May All sites will be migrated by July 31,
CAIS 3.0 Training ◦ July 8, 2015 & July 9, 2015 (National Training Center) New User CAIS 3.0 Training ◦ August 25-27, 2015 at the Nevada Field Office Includes training on the Condition Assessment Survey process, which includes the walk down of actual facilities, as well as the CAIS 3.0 software 19
Anyone wishing to register for one of these classes can contact ◦ Mark Gordy ◦ Gayle Smith ◦ Adam Pugh 20
CAIS Support Contacts ◦ Mike Kohut (Primary) ◦ Bill Fox (Primary) ◦ Mark Gordy ( Backup) ◦ Gayle Smith (Backup) Additional Resource ◦
Any CAIS site that is interested in an assist visit from OAPM can contact Adam Pugh Any site not currently using CAIS but interested in possibly starting to use it can contact Adam Pugh or Mark Gordy to discuss further 22
Incorporate CostWorks functionality ◦ Sustainment Modeling ◦ Cost Estimating ◦ Customize RS Means RPV Models Upload Capability More graphical 23