Mt. 6:25-34 Do not be worried about your life … but seek first His kingdom and His righteousness –Four arguments against worrying about your life –If food and clothing, then “ extras. ”
1.25b, Is not life more than … –If God gave life, He ’ ll give the food necessary to sustain the life 2.26, Look at the birds of the air … –Birds do not work yet they eat This is not license to laziness, If anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either (2 Thess. 3:10) The point: God has the power to provide even when you cannot!
3.27, And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? –The answer: Nobody! –An argument from futility
, For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things … But [You] seek first His kingdom, and all these things will be added to you. –An argument from infidelity The Gentiles do not believe in Jehovah God But … You people of faith, act differently! Your Heavenly Father knows …, to worry about food and clothing is to question God ’ s power and care! Lack of trust!
Embalmed in this lesson about trust in God is a lesson about priorities –But seek first His kingdom –Make His kingdom your main concern
Our eternal outcome will reflect what our priorities were Mt. 19:16 … 24, Wealth The kingdom of satan! Lk. 9:59-62, Family The kingdom of satan! Mk. 14:3-9, Imprudent behavior Sometimes, having Christ as your first priority will cause you temporary refrain from doing the good but ordinary –Here, the right priority led to reward
A Christian ’ s priorities 1.Help ourselves: 1.Help ourselves: Hb. 5:11-14 –Solid food is for the mature The priority of maturing, you ought The process of maturing, because of practice
Building knowledge: –You ought to be teachers –God wants Bible scholars! Trusting God: –Because of practice This implies discomfort and difficulty! God will help you if you really try! –Mt. 6:26, Are you not worth much more than they?
Changing a bad habit or personality trait: Phlp. 3:12-15 –Not that I have already obtained it Praying better: Ps. 148:1-5 –How did this man come to say a prayer like this? Wanting to be with other Christians: Ps. 122:1 –I was glad when they said to me, “ Let us go to the house of the Lord. ” –How did this maturity come?
2.Help Christians: 2.Help Christians: Hb. 10:24-25 –Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good works … encouraging one another –How can I give them a boost?
Encouraging Thoughts: Rv. 2:8 … 11 –I know your tribulation and poverty … I will give you the crown of life! –“ You are going a good job. Keep up the good work! ” –Phone calls and s work, too.
Encouraging Hospitality: 1 Pe. 4:9 –Be hospitable to each other without complaint –“ Hospitable, ” welcoming to strangers and guests Oxford American Dictionary; fond of guests Strongs –Don ’ t have a house? Ac. 2:42 …
Encouraging Gifts: Hand crafts: Dorcas, Ac. 9:36 … 39 The widows stood beside him, weeping and showing …. Money: The Philippians, Phlp. 4: , I rejoiced in the Lord greatly! The gift only needs to be big enough to show them you care.
Encouraging Visits: Onesiphorus, 2 Tm. 1: –He often refreshed me … searched eagerly for me. –And this while Paul was in jail! Searched Inconvenient! Prison Dirty! Nero Risky! Ja. 1:27
3.Help non-Christians: 3.Help non-Christians: 2 Co. 5:10 –We must all appear before the judgment seat, so that each may be recompensed for his deeds