Problems under the Articles led to Conventions Lead to state meetings and call for revision…
Mount Vernon Conference Delegates met to discuss problems between Maryland and Virginia over the use of the Potomac River Common boundary – no one “owns”, no one can tax the other for its use
Annapolis Convention Called to discuss other common problems between states Only 5 states attended Called for a convention to be held the following year in Philadelphia
The Constitutional Convention Where: Philadelphia When: 1787 (May – Sept.) Original Purpose: To amend the Articles of Confederation
Philadelphia Convention – Who Attended? 55 delegates - 12 of 13 states Not Rhode Island G. Washington – “President” of the Convention B. Franklin – Host to delegates James Madison – “Father of the Constitution” kept notes and records Alexander Hamilton – advocates strong central gov’t
Who was absent? Representatives of 90% of the population Thomas Jefferson John Adams Thomas Paine Patrick Henry Samuel Adams
Philadelphia Convention – What did they agree to do? Don’t amend the Articles – write a new plan! Secret debate and discussion ↑ powers of national government Powers – to tax, to raise army, to regulate interstate and foreign commerce, sole power to coin money Need 3 branches – legislative, executive & judicial
(What were the) Compromises (at the) Constitutional Convention?
How to establish representation in the national legislature? Virginia Plan “Big” States Representation should be proportional based on population of the state (bigger states get more representatives) Representatives should be elected by the people New Jersey Plan “Small” States Representation should be equal by state (smaller states have the same power as the bigger states) Representatives should be chosen by state legislatures
The Great (Connecticut) Compromise National Legislature will have 2 houses (bicameral) The House of Representatives will have the number of representatives per state based on the population of the state – census every 10 years; representatives directly elected by the people The Senate will have 2 representatives per state; Senators will be chosen by the state legislatures (1913- changed by 17 th Amendment) Both the House and Senate must pass any bill so they have to learn to cooperate
How to count the slave population? Northern states Don’t count the slaves for purposes of representation Do count the slaves for taxation Southern states Do count the slaves for purposes of representation Don’t count the slaves for taxation
3/5 Compromise Slaves would be counted as 3/5 of a person for both representation and taxation South would get additional seats in the House of Representatives based on a slave population that could not vote But the South would have to pay additional taxes maybe discouraging a large number of slaves “The cruelest part of the Constitution”
How to conduct trade and assess tariffs? North Tax imports to keep out foreign competition & protect America’s “infant” industries South Don’t tax exports because it would make it difficult for American farmers to compete in European markets
Tariff Compromise Congress may tax imports but never may they tax exports Reward “good” behavior (exporting); discourage “bad” behavior (importing) Congress will not interfere with the slave trade before 1808
How to Elect the President? (Democracy vs. Too Much Democracy) Plan #1 – Directly elected by the People Plan #2 – Congress will select the President (Parliamentary Democracy – like Britain) Plan #3 – State Legislatures will select the President
The Electoral College Compromise Voters will elect electors representing a candidate Electors will choose the President # of Electors = # of Reps in House + # of Senators An indirect election by the people because the founding fathers did not trust “the people” to make wise choices. ( Where the Founding Fathers “elitists”…men of property?)
Electoral Votes – 2008 vs. 2012
To be elected President in 2008 A candidate will need a majority of the Electoral votes – 270 of 538 It is possible for a candidate to win the popular vote (people’s vote) but lose the Electoral vote 2000 – Al Gore/ George W. Bush (47.9%) 1824 – Andrew Jackson/ John Quincy Adams (30.9%) Hayes (48%) / Tilden 1888 – Grover Cleveland/ Benjamin Harrison (47.8%)