2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference Records Storage and Accessibility John Montgomery Team Lead, Archives and Information Management U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management November 17, 2010
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 2 Office of Legacy Management (LM) Established in 2003 Mission: to manage responsibilities at former nuclear weapons facilities and ensure the future protection of human health and the environment LM manages land, structures, facilities, and records
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 3 Long-Term Stewardship Sites
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 4 Major Goal: Managing Records and Information Preserve, protect, and share records and information Managing: More than 95,000 cubic feet of physical records 30 terabytes of electronic data
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 5 Federal Record Requirements Title 44 United States Code Chapter 31, “Records Management by Federal Agencies” By law, federal agencies must: Document missions, functions, policies, procedures, decisions, and transactions Preserve historically valuable records
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 6 Types of Federal Records Books Paper documents Letters Memos Engineering drawings Reports Maps Photographs Graphics Videos Sound recordings Machine-readable materials Electronic files
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 7 LM Business Center
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 8 LM Business Center (continued) Located in Morgantown, West Virginia Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold Certification
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 9 LM Records Storage Approved by the National Archives and Records Administration for storage of federal records
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 10 LM Records Storage Capacity for 155,000 cubic feet of records storage Storing records from former nuclear weapons facilities
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 11 Special Records Media Storage Cold storage X-rays, film, etc. Environmental controls 40° Fahrenheit 30 percent relative humidity
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 12 Managing Information Requests Electronic recordkeeping system Efficient records search and retrieval High-speed reproduction and scanning Qualified records managers
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 13 Records Requests Over 7,000 records requests fulfilled over the last 4 years Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Privacy Act Energy Employee Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) Other records requests
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 14 Information Technology Data Center Managing more than 13 terabytes of data Migrate electronic data from former nuclear weapons sites Qualified information technology staff
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 15 Information Technology Data Center IT Help Desk Centralized information technology support for LM sites across the country LM network and servers
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 16 Summary LM is committed to preserving and protecting federal records and information LM is using a state-of-the-art facility and equipment to manage records LM has a dedicated records management and information technology workforce
2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference 17 Questions?