ALABAMA By Hope Schroeder
How it all started Alabama means “tribal town” in the language of the local creek lindens.
State nickname Alabama's nickname is “the yellow hammer state.”
The governor The governor of Alabama is Robert Bentley.
The state motto The state motto is we “dare defend our rights”.
Alabama's name for residents Alabama's people call them selves Alabamans.
Boarding States Alabama is boarding Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
Capital of Alabama The capital Montgomery.
Alabama's population Alabama has a population of 4,833,722 people.
State flag Alabama's state flag looks like a red multiplication sign with a white background.
State flower The state flower is a camellia. A beautiful pink flower.
State tree Alabama's state tree is the southern long leaf pine.
State bird Alabama's state bird is a yellowhammer.
Other state symbols Some other state symbols are great seal, flag, bird, rock, flower, nut, fossil, barbeque, horse, fruit, and soil.
Agriculture and industry Agriculture = cotton, corn, peanuts, and soybeans. industry = coal, lime stone, and iron ore
Geographical fetchers Some geographical fetchers are Lewis Smith Lake, Tennessee River, Alabama river, Coastal River, and Tom Big Bee River.
Famous people Some famous people are Gorge Washington Carver, Joe Lewis, Carl Lewis, and Helen Keller.
Famous to Alabama 1819 – Montgomery named capital of Alabama.
Places to see Some places you might want to see are Helen Keller's birth place, Montgomery, and Lewis Smith Lake
State song The state song is Alabama.