牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 ( 模块七 · 高二下学期 ). Reading 1 Unit 2 Two life-saving medicines.


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Presentation transcript:

牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 ( 模块七 · 高二下学期 )

Reading 1 Unit 2 Two life-saving medicines

—Let’s warm up Fill in the blanks A good _________ tastes bitter. Laugh is the best ____ in the world. There is no ______ against death.

1. What are the two medicines mentioned in the article? Aspirin and Penicillin. 2. When was penicillin first discovered ? In What award did Fleming, Florey and Chain share? The Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Answers: 1. In Nearly 3500 years ago. 3. It can also help reduce the risk of heart attacks; prevent a stroke; reduce the risk of some cancers; increase the length of people’s lives and help with diabetes. Careful reading Finish C1 on page20

4. In the mould that killed bacteria. 5. It can be used to treat bacterial illnesses. 6. ① He was unable to find a procedure to make penicillin pure enough to work as a medicine. ② It was difficult to produce penicillin in the ample quantities needed to be effective.

Read again:Fill in the boxes. Sold in shops as tablets Discovered by Alexander Fleming 1940 Made and tested in large qualities Mass production began 1944 Proved to reduce the risk of heart attack Aspirin Penicillin Used to reduce blood sugar levels Used to prevent strokes

Effects of aspirin Reduce pains and fever Reduce the risk of heart attacks Prevent a stroke Reduce the risk of some cancers Increase the length of people’s lives Help with diabetes Effects of penicillin Help in treating wounds and infections Treat illnesses caused by bacteria

Phrases 1. 集中于 …… 上 2. 打开 3. 很有可能 4. 挽救 …… 的生命 5. 由 …… 制成 6. 发生 7. 以粉末形式 focus on open up it is likely that save one’s life be made from take place in powder form

8. 被制成片剂被出售 9. 标准片剂 10. 减少心脏病的风险 11. 进行一项研究 12. 延长人类寿命 13. 被认为是 be sold as a tablet standardized tablet reduce the risk of heart attack carry out a study increase the length of people’s lives be considered to be

14. 在当代 15. 在 …… 上试用某物 16. 使 …… 变纯 17. 成功地做成某事 18. 大量 19. 由于被广泛使用 in contemporary society try sth. out on… make sth. pure manage to do sth. in large quantities due to the widespread use of

Words coming from the same stem: Words that are compound words: Words with irregular plural forms: How can we understand medical terms?

Words coming from the same stem: medicine, medical, medicinal; pure, purify; chemical, chemist; bacterium, bacterial

Words that are compound words: painkiller blood-thinning heart attack acetylsalicylic

Words with irregular plural forms: bacteria bacterium

Homework Review the whole article, underline the phrases and words you don’t know.