EXAMS - Giving Your Best Reading and Writing Your Way To Exam Success
Showing what you Know, Understand, and Can Do - in class and at home is helped by: teachers and parents other students learning materials
Showing what you Know, Understand and Can Do - in the exam hall is helped by: subject knowledge correct use of subject words understanding of exam words writing in the way the exam words demand
You need to be able to: use the language of each subject recognise the exam words select the relevant information plan and organise the information use the correct form of writing
You get to know the language of subjects by: listening to the subject words using the words in class explaining the words to others reading the words writing explanations of the words using the words when writing about the topic
You get to understand the exam words by reading questions on past papers picking out the exam words e.g describe thinking and talking about their meanings thinking and talking about the forms of writing these words require practicing the different forms of writing
Writing good answers in exams involves the same process as writing good homework tasks or coursework tasks BUT there is a strict time limit
You should know and use this process for: written homeworks written coursework ‘mock’ exams practice answers to past questions
Stages in the process Read the task or question carefully Decide on the form and purpose of the written answer Recall and jot down the relevant information Organise the information into an answer plan Use subject language and correct form of writing to structure your answer Proof read to check content and language.