Ch InBritannia Ch In Britannia
Ch. 13 Vocab advenīre, advenī aedificium aeger alter cantāre, cantavī ceterī coniuratio, coniurationis custos, custodis decidere, decidī dicere, dixī
Ch. 13 Vocab excitāre, excitavī fessus horreum interficere, interfēcī ita vero nolō, nolle, noluī novus nullus numerāre, numeravī ordo, ordinis
Ch. 13 Vocab possum, posse, potuī retinēo, retinuī ruere, ruī sē sum, esse, fuī trahere, traxī vita volō, velle, voluī vulnerāre, vulneravī
Chapter 13 Sentences Translate the sentences on pages 2-4 1) This man is Gaius Salvius Liberalis. Salvius lives in a magnificet villa. The villa is in Britain Salvius has many slaves. 2) The wife is Rufilla. Rufilla has many slave-girls the slave-girls work in the house.
Ch. 13 Sentences 3) This slave is Varica. Varica is the overseer. He takes care of the house and slaves. 4) This slave is Philus. Philus is smart. Philus is able to count. 5) This slave is Volubilis. Volubilis is the best cook. Volubilis is able to cook the best dinner.
Ch. 13 Sentences 6) This slave is Bregans. Bregans is not smart. Bregans is not able to count. Bregans is tired. Bregans wants to sleep. 7) This slave is Loquax. Loquax has a sweet voice. Loquax is able to sing sweetly.
Ch. 13 Sentences 8) This slave is Anti-Loquax Anti-Loquax is agile. Anti-Loquax is able to dance very well. Loquax and Anti-Loquax are twins. 9) Salvius has many slaves. The slaves work. The slaves are lazy and tired. The slaves do not want to work.
Trēs Servī Translate the story on p.5 – Italics and script Pick 2 of the quotations, then diagram each sentence with as many parts of speech as possible – Subject – Direct object – Indirect object – Prepositional phrase – Verb and its tense – Adjectives – Adverbs
Trēs Servī 3 slaves work in the house. This house is in Britain. The slaves work diligently, because they are waiting for the master. The slaves complain about the harsh life. Philus: (counts money) It is raining again! It is always raining! We never see the sun. I want to return to Italy. I want to see the sun. Volubilis: (prepares dinner in the kitchen) Where is the wine? I see no wine. Who drank it? I am not able to drink water!
Trēs Servī Bregans: (washes the floor) I do not want to work! I am tired. I drank much wine. The water is horrible! (Varica suddenly enters the house. Varica is the overseer) Varica: Slaves! Our angry master arrives! The slaves among the Cantiacī made a plot. Master is wounded. Bregans: We want to hear about this plot Tell the story!
Coniuratio Translate the story on p. 13
Coniuratio 1-7 Varica told the story: “We were among the Cantiacī, because Salvius was visiting the new mine. Our host was Pompeius Optatus, a good man. Many slaves were working in the mine. Although the slaves were digging much iron from the ground, Salvius was not happy. Salvius called the slaves to him and inspected them. One slave was ill. Slavius dragged the slave from the lines and yelled,
Coniuratio 8-14 “a sick slave is useless. I do not want to keep useless slaves.” After he said this, Salvius handed over the slave to the executioner. The executioner killed him at once. “This slave, however, was having a son; his name was Alator. Alator wanted to avenge his father. And so, when the rest were sleeping, Alator seized a dagger. After he slipped past the guards, he entered the bedroom. Salvius was sleeping in this bedroom.
Coniuratio Then Alator attacked our master and wounded him. Our master was terrified; he extended his hand to the slave and begged for mercy. The guards however, heard the sounds. The rushed into the bedroom and killed bold Alator. “Then Salvius was in a rage. At once he woke up the host, Pompeius, and angry, yelled ‘Your slave wounded me! It is a plot! All the slaves are accomplices. I demand the death penalty for all!’
Coniuratio Pompeius, after he heard this, was astonished. ‘I am not able to kill all my slaves. One wounded you. Therefore one is guilty, the rest are innocent.’ “’The guards are not innocent,’ said Salvius. ‘They were plotting with Alator.’ Pompeius, reluctant, agreed and handed over all the guards to the executioners.”
Infinitives translated as “to” – Legere - to read – Dormīre - to sleep used to find the stem for present, imperfect and future tenses 4 conjugations – āre (1st) – ēre (2nd) – ere (3rd) – īre (4th)
Volo & Nolo Volō, velle- to want Nolō, nelle- to not want volō - I want vīs - you want vult - he/she/it wants volumus - we want vultis - you pl. want volunt - they want nolō - I don’t want non vīs - you don’t want non vult - he/she/it doesn’t want nolumus - we don’t want non vultis - you pl. don’t want nolunt - they don’t want
Possum Possum, posse - to be able possum - I am able potes - you are able potest - he/she/it is able possumus - we are able potestis - you pl. are able possunt - they are able
Grammar Stations 4 groups - verbs - datives - questions - declensions You will have a set time (9 minutes) at each station, complete as much of each portion of the worksheet as possible
Roman Britain Read through the section in the chapter – Pages Answer the questions on pp in the workbook – DO NOT WRITE IN THE WORKBOOK!!
Bregāns - Translate the story on p Then answer the questions on p.10