Social Studies 7 Introduction Instructor: Mrs. Burr
Before we start… Introductions and Important Info –Please send Key Parent Addresses Guidelines: –Be respectful of others (I can see ALL private messages….) –Don’t type messages during class unless asked (I can see ALL private messages….) –Pay attention, listen carefully to all announcements –Arrive on time –Attend all tutorials –Purchase a headset!
How does online Social work? Combination of: –Lessons - assignments –Tutorial Attendance –Discussion Board –Quizzes and Exams And now for a closer look…
Lessons – assignments Lessons are posted in D2L. Be sure to print them out one unit at a time. Most lessons contain an assignment at the end – but a few do not. Read carefully and if you are uncertain. You may work ahead, but not in the other direction. If you work ahead, only work one lesson ahead. Lessons are always subject to change. Assignments and exams are due at midnight of the due date.. Sooner is always appreciated!
Dropbox All Social assignments are submitted using the dropbox. If you are having troubles attaching your assignments, delete any spaces in the title of the file. Label all of your assignment files as directed in the lesson. It is VERY important that your surname is part of the file name.
Locker Use this feature if you tend to work on more than one computer, or if you share a computer.
Tutorials Tutorials are held once a week for 50 min How are tutorials marked? –10% of your final course mark is from tutorial attendance and participation. –If you miss a session, for ANY reason, it is your responsibility to view the archived tutorial file, posted under the “archives” icon on my Social 7 homepage, and send me a 3-5 sentence summary via . (Main concepts only) –A potential of five marks are earned (or lost) at each session. Attendance and participation is necessary to earn the marks.
Quizzes and Exams Most units end with an exam, either on-line, onsite or ed to your key parent. None of the unit exams is open book. Parental supervision is required for all quizzes and exams. Quizzes and exams are open for the entire 24-hour day, in an effort to accommodate working students and parents, but I can only guarantee my help on any problems that occur during regular school hours.
Need help??? If you need help, send a detailed that has the word “question” or ? symbol in the subject heading along with the course title (eg. Social 7 ?) Be specific – on what lesson are you working and where are you stuck? Do NOT wait until an assignment is due, and then submit it saying, “I don’t get it.” Ask for help as the problem arises.
Bookmark Links ADLC >> D2L (Bookmark each course.) Webmail
Help me out! Report “broken” links Check announcements, schedule (calendar), and daily. Keep your key parents informed. Read lessons carefully BEFORE ing. If you miss a tutorial, review it – your question will likely have been answered during a missed session.
Organization of Course Part I Canada Before Confederation
Part 2 Canada After Confederation
Your turn…. Any questions?