Master in Law LEFIS WG2 Postgraduate Studies 16 th June 2006
Summary Context Objectives of the Subject Law Learning outcomes & competences (subject specific and generic) Workload and ECTS Learning, teaching & assessment Quality enhancement
Context Law Subject Preparation for LEFIS 3 Preparation for the legal professions Globalization New Public Management (Public Administrations and Justice Administration: Judicial power) Multiculturalism Communications security
Objectives of the Subject Law Formation of expert professionals in Interpretation and Application of juridical texts Lawyers, Judges, Notaries, Civil servants...
Learning outcomes & competences Key subject specific competences 1. Application of legal texts in context 2. Information Technology Law 3. Accessing legal texts 4. Interpretation of legal texts in context 5. Presenting information visually and orally Key generic competences 1. Decision-making 2. Oral and written communication in your native language 3. Ethical commitment 4. Elementary computing skills (word processing, database, other utilities) 5. Interpersonal skills
Subject specific competences Rating of importance order Short name or the subject specific competence Extended description of the competence: On completition of a Master in Law the student should in concrete professional juridical context: 1Application of legal texts in contextbe able to distinguish several kind of juridical application 2Information Technology Lawhave knowledge on basic computer law 3Accessing legal textsbe able to search legal documentation 4Interpretacion of legal texts in contexthave knowledge on the different juridical texts interpretation methods 5Presenting information visually and orallybe able to present and defend arguments
Workload and ECTS (I) Total Credits:60 ECTS (=1500 student work hours) 2 semesters 5 required subjects (5x4=20 ECTS) 3 elective subjects (3x3=9 ECTS) 3 elective seminars (3x2=6 ECTS) Final work (15 ECTS) Exams (10 ECTS)
Workload and ECTS (II) Agreement on the contents between the Faculties of Law, juridical powers and professional associations Lawyers Judges Notaries Registers Procurators Public Administrations
Learning, teaching & assessment Concrete examples on Lectures Oral presentations using power point Papers Written exam
Quality enhancement Comparison with another LEFIS learning and teaching topics Questionnaires and tests Made by the University and the juridical powers and professional associations