January Book Project January 5 th - January 23rd
Book Project Outline For the remainder of the month of January, all students will have chosen a book to read either independently or with a partner(s) to complete for the assigned book project. This project requires all participants to read the entire book, complete three (3) visual tasks that represent their knowledge of the book, a typed book review and a book talk presentation. The completion of the book, the three (3) visual tasks, and the book review are due on or before Friday, January 23 rd. The book talk will be scheduled for one (1) class after all assignments have been turned in by participants.
Expectations It is understood that this book project and all assignments that are required will be completed outside of class time. Students may bring books to read for Independent Reading and students may use Resource to work on assignments in Mrs. Robucci’s class, but no class time will be dedicated to completing the requirements for this project. Mrs. Robucci will check in with each group on occasion and will support participants who are falling behind or struggling.
Choose 3 of the tasks to complete and turn in along with the book review. You MUST COMPLETE 3.
This is how I am keeping track of your reading. On a yellow post-it note, write the following: Your Name Book title Author # of pages in the book Partner name (if you have one)
Time line & requirements Choose a book by Wednesday, January 7 th or Thursday, January 8 th Read the book and complete the following on or before Friday, January 23 rd. Finish the book Turn in three (3) visual tasks representing knowledge of the book One (1) book review Have scheduled book talk presentation All handouts have been given out.