By Jared Ray And Ryan Hoffy
Virtual Reality Network (VRN) Details Immerses you into a digital universe Available to anyone with internet Uses scanning tech Prices explained in 4 th slide Ads air all day every day Would be available at GameStop/BestBuy
Virtual Reality Network (VRN) Details continued Scanning device gold and silver-lined Very expensive since it is awesome Phone sized to Life Size Available also for Xbox and PlayStation Would be sold by one
VRN Prices For app on tablets/phones, $30.00 For Laptops, anywhere from $ $ For PC’s, $500.00
Why this invention is necessary Isn’t entirely necessary It is the best luxury item Could be used for combat simulation Could help relieve stress Awesome 1 st person perspective Hey, why not?
Where and When Commercials would air It would air world-wide Would air all day every day Convenient for everyone watching TV
How this Idea became Reality I built off of a Game Masters of Orion II Wasn’t specific about what it did
How to implement the Scanner into the Device It’s really quite simple Go GameStop/other Game stores Ask them to install the device Will take from minutes Or Call GameStop at their number
Works Recognition Page Master Of Orion II Google Images